When you attempt to take an item from your stash and you are in a hostile or non resting environment it states that you need to be in a rest area to access that slot. This in of itself isn't a problem....unless you accidentally close the stash box and now that item you are dragging around with your cursor is stuck. You cannot open the stash, you can't hit escape to get out of it, or anything. You are stuck and forced to shut the game off and restart. There has to be a way to either open up the stash so you can put the item back, or ESC out of that selection.
When you attempt to take an item from your stash and you are in a hostile or non resting environment it states that you need to be in a rest area to access that slot. This in of itself isn't a problem....unless you accidentally close the stash box and now that item you are dragging around with your cursor is stuck. You cannot open the stash, you can't hit escape to get out of it, or anything. You are stuck and forced to shut the game off and restart. There has to be a way to either open up the stash so you can put the item back, or ESC out of that selection.
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