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Beta suggestion: broader selection of starting weapons

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So now we've discovered that in P:E, damage type versus defense actually matters. 


Trouble is, in the beta it's not all that easy to experiment with this because of the limited weapon selection the BB Party starts out with. I believe the beta would be both more fun, and you guys at Obsidian would get better feedback, if you supplied the party with a broader selection of starting weapons. Nothing fancy, mind, but enough that we could switch between piercing, slashing, crushing, one-handed, and two-handed from the get-go. We are supposed to be mid-level adventurers at this point and I've no doubt that in the real game we would have that kind of flexibility by then, since it is so obviously necessary.

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Yeah while culture defining your gear is cool, I think this is a valid point. What if you want to start with an arquebus ?


The original original KS pitch was you'd be able to buy your gear at the start of the game. This was then changed to Culture + Trading with Heodan.


That said, the CC is meant to take you to the beginning of the game, which has far different circumstances than the current BB, where you will probably have your desired gear for your level when you get there in the normal game.

Edited by Sensuki
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Yep, I've no problem with this kind of starting gear for the real game; it makes sense to start out with the bare minimum at level 1. This suggestion was for the beta only. It is also supposed to be a way to quickly test systems, so making that kind of thing as easy as possible makes sense IMO.

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I agree Junta, just giving more weapons to the BB guys outright is a good idea.  It seems sort of weird that the main character always shows up with bare bones level 1 gear to begin with.

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