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How Much Detail?

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I love that site. Unfortunately, my favorite story has yet to be updated. Thanks for running that site, Adria, you're doing the fans and I a great service!


Now that that is out of the way, I think the best road is not to spill the beans on what your PC's favorite color was or what ice cream flavor he prefered, but to give the specifics on the aspects critical to the story. The personality you should be able to influence as he is after all YOUR PC. But storyline holes are unacceptable.

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(K1 = KotOR, K2 = KotOR II)


Think Arcanum had some kind of background option, but I cant quite remember if they were actually kinda like Traits in Fallout or less. But as well as the tribal background in Fallout had some RP smalltalk and even a sense of pride build-in I guess the same could go for K2.


It has allready been mentioned somewhere that the PC (mainchar) once followed Revan, tho I am still unsure when...didnt dig that deep, so pardon me if I jump to conlusion vs. know-all. Was it in the beginning when Revan was as pure as newly fallen snow, was it when Revan was turning towards the DS or was it when Revan was an amnesiac. Part of the background could answer that. But that might as well be part of those checkpoints the story will give you to adapt the story.


If K2 moves in the same pattern as K1, background checks could be like in K1 partially based on your non-jedi class Soldier, Scout & Scoundrel...Scoundrel: where did you smuggle and what did you smuggle...could have a little RP impact on being accepted among the other dubious NPC in a 'he's a friend' sort of way.

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I guess you true Star Wars/KotOR fans are a special bunch.. because I would prefer to have no back-story at all. Not even a name, appearance or anything. I want my character to be a blank slate that I can fill in myself. I realize that this isn't a viable option for a game like KotOR/KotOR2, but that's my preference.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I think it would be cool if you could give some background info on your character like the planet youre from whether our parents are alive or dead, just basic stuff though like that.

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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