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Rats still block entrance to Forest / North even after getting passport photo



I can not advance through the game.


I received the letter from the girls and was directed to go to Photo Dojo to get a passport photo, then "head north" to get the letter translated. I went to photo dojo, fought the pedophole, and received my passport photo.


Whether I try to enter the forest to the east of Kenny's house or try to "head North" through the farm, all of the entryways are still blocked by rats.


I purchased SP: Stick of Truth throught the Playstation Store on a PS3 on the game's release date.

After installation, I installed a suggested update. I did not start playing until after the update.



6 answers to this question

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This is not a bug within the game. You must use Dragon Shout on the rats to make them flee the area that they are blocking.

If using Dragon Shout will not move the rats (which would be a pretty rare glitch) then there is an issue. 

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  On 3/10/2014 at 5:37 PM, babylegs said:

I can not advance through the game.


I received the letter from the girls and was directed to go to Photo Dojo to get a passport photo, then "head north" to get the letter translated. I went to photo dojo, fought the pedophole, and received my passport photo.


Whether I try to enter the forest to the east of Kenny's house or try to "head North" through the farm, all of the entryways are still blocked by rats.


I purchased SP: Stick of Truth throught the Playstation Store on a PS3 on the game's release date.

After installation, I installed a suggested update. I did not start playing until after the update.



You can get rid of the mouses using Dragon Shout magic. Have no idea how to switch and use magic on PS3 but you should know that if you got that far.

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Thank you guys so much for the speedy replies. I'm very happy this is not a bug.


I won't be able to try this out til tonight, but am really excited to continue playing.


Thanks for understanding my confusion / lack of experimentation. ;)

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