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Never too early to talk about expansion content

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Like the title says, what do you want to see in an expansion? What are your prescriptions for future narratives, new content, game play improvements and mechanic refinements? You may say we know too little about the base game to make these comments. But I say, so what? Speculate already, dammit. ;)


My prescriptions:


-- Direct continuation of main PC's story arc, with as many original npcs as possible (some might get killed off, never know...) It frustrates me when we spend 30-40 hours building up a character and his followers only to start from scratch. I also like to explore unresolved issues from the original campaign.


-- Subsequent to the above, I'd like to see the level cap raised, but I'd caution Obsidian to handle "epic" levels and villains cautiously. High level mechanics can quickly get silly, and it's often contrived and non-sensical for tons of high-level villains to pop up out of the ground as soon as the player is tough enough to handle them. There should also be a very plausible reason for why they've come out of the proverbial shadows. I also think any epic enemies or factions should be properly foreshadowed, and leave the player with a powerful sense of foreboding. When the player meets them, they should say "Oh crap, I can't believe I'm expected to fight these guys" instead of "Lawl, these godspawn are teh nooblets."


-- Add features that can be enjoyed throughout the entire game. This could be new talents and skills, new items (not always powerful, but interesting), new portraits, new voice work, new animations and models, new side dungeons and so on. While the new campaign should be a focus, it would be nice to see the whole experience upgraded. More party members would also be cool, but I realize that's a major resource commitment. I would recommend that, if one is created, they are usable throughout the OC. I thought Sarevok in TOB, for instance, was a cool concept, but I think the player seldom wanted to play all of SOA an NPC short or abandon another companion they'd heavily invested in. Weaving a whole new character into the main game is a major commitment, but, hey, go big or go home.


Lastly, another open question, more than a prescription: How much should Obsidian reopen or refine the OC in an expansion? Any cRPG can always have more interactivity, more dialogue, more quests and more options. This has the potential to raise "retconning" issues, however. What do you think? What are examples of games you thought would benefit from reopening/modifying the original game, and what would you have done to them?

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With expansions, I see two viable options.


1. Expand the OC: This adds some new content to the main game. Think ToSC, where you had a few islands to visit. The level-cap should be raised, but not dramatically(in PE, up from level 12 to 15), 1 or 2 new companions should come in, and new classes(be they base classes, subclasses(or kits, if you prefer), or prestige classes) should be showcased if implemented.


2. New Campaign: This is an entirely different story, that may not even involve the PC from the OC. If it does involve the PC, the level cap should be raised higher than it would be for expanding the OC(to give a bigger sense of accomplishment, I think up to 20ish would be appropriate), some companions may make a comeback but it is fine to showcase all new NPCs, new classes should be showcased if implemented.


I would prefer option 1 if PE2 will continue the PC's story, or option 2 if PE2 will not continue the PC's story. I would prefer to go with option 2 and wrap up the PC's story in PE+expansion(s), because I typically do not enjoy playing the same character in two different games if the mechanics change.


On the added mechanical content, I think expansions should add classes, skills, talents, abilities, etc. to the game rather than modify the rules. All new stuff should be accessible in the OC, unless it requires a higher level to obtain than is possible in the OC. I prefer that mechanical tweaks and/or changes be reserved for patches or new titles in the series.

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"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

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"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

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"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

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... Expansiveness? *shrug* 8)


For reallies, though... you guys have covered a lot of main ideas already, so I'll just say that I think it'd be very interesting (depending on whether or not the complexity of the world plot throughout the timeframe of P:E supports it) to have an expansion centered around an overlapping plot during roughly the same timeframe. Kind of like... all the stuff that went on that you really didn't get to witness/directly affect as the protagonist of P:E. Plus, you'd get to see your original party traveling about and crossing your path, heh. It'd be even cooler if it read your P:E game-completion file (if you had one) and factored in your P:E choices/actions throughout your playthrough into how it portrayed the P:E party when crossing your path (where they cross your path, who's there, what effect they have on the lore, etc.).


Tricky? Yes. I'm not demanding this. It's more of a "'Twould be cool if" thing.


And, on that note, I think more important (and more doable, for that matter) is, at the very least, having your actions/choices throughout your playthrough carry over into the expansion, whether it's an overlapping thing or a continuation. That fundamental aspect (although it could've been specifically executed better) of the Mass Effect series is probably the best thing those games did.

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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My hopes for expansion.

1. subtropical or tropical setting

2. Can use imported character from vanilla game

3. Character data saved some decisions you've made in that game.

4. Can be linked such that you can return to original game content. (not a great priority, but would be nice)

5. Empty map which allows for a ton of locations from the modding community.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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