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Uh... Vera being the first major boss involving saving Bob? It involves a lot of rolling and avoiding her attacks.



Take out her minions first (Pick them off) and avoid ANYTHING that is purple and on the ground. Vera has an ability that deals an incredible amount of damage to melee characters.


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My apologies for being a noob, but what's up with her?


I go into combat and I'm dead instantaly?


How do I beat her and her minions?


Or is my $50 game done here?


If it's the one that I think it is as suggested above





She's an incredibly CHESSY boss.


Two ways to tackle this.


First is to do as advised above, roll and dodge ALOT. RUN AWAY...that's what I did. Ran away from her specifically and then hit the other witches around her. Avoid purple circles. Kill the witches and as you do it should get easier as the fight goes on. Also, be sure to use your healing ability and activate it constantly whilst fighting...at least I did. makes fights a lot easier.


If that doesn't work...my other thoughts/advice woudl be go out and keep refreshing areas. Bandits will respawn and as you kill them you will gain XP (yeah, I know...grinding). Level up a little and when you are a tad stronger, go kill the witch.





Edit: My bad, I should have put spoiler tags up.

Edited by greylord
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Vera only really threatens you in 2 key ways;

a) a summoning trap, a purple circle she casts and when you step into it, 3 skeletal warriors appear. Quite easy to tell what they are if you look for them. Just avoid stepping in them. b) a purple warding aura around herself that damages you a lot when you attack melee or get near - again, easy to tell if you look for it, once you stop attacking her non-stop you will find that she's not that bad. Finally, I'd recommend you take out the other witches & enemies ASAP then tackle Vera - lots of dodging involved, but all in all, she's a boss that seems impossibly strong when you don't know what she's doing, once you figure her out it's quite simple.

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LOL, I remember my first topic on this forum when I said I died constantly from Vera and now on hardcore she is the most easiest of bosses.

In fact, in my second playthrough with Lucas on hardcore I am now at Stonebridge and haven't died once.

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LOL, I remember my first topic on this forum when I said I died constantly from Vera and now on hardcore she is the most easiest of bosses.

In fact, in my second playthrough with Lucas on hardcore I am now at Stonebridge and haven't died once.


Maybe I'm getting too old for gaming. I leveled up twice and can't seem to even get close to beeting her even though you folks have told me how.


Maybe I should just get back to making real world money, rather than spending it on games

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Maybe I'm getting too old for gaming. I leveled up twice and can't seem to even get close to beeting her even though you folks have told me how.


Are you sure you know how to control your character?


PC controls are quite streamlined and efficient:

1.you use right click mouse for moving, you hold right click mouse for direction(especially for dodge direction)

2.you left click to attack

3.you use SPACE to dodge(while holding right click), block, select passive abilities

4.you use 1,2,3 to activate abilities

5.you press Q for stance change


If you know how to control your character and are observant enough of what your enemy is doing, you can win fights without even getting heart, let alone dieing.


And your other comment about gaming is pretty silly since gaming is objectively better than any other activity in life, it is far more immersive and engaging than movies, books, sports, social interactions and it offers many unique experiences otherwise unattainable.

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LOL, I remember my first topic on this forum when I said I died constantly from Vera and now on hardcore she is the most easiest of bosses.

In fact, in my second playthrough with Lucas on hardcore I am now at Stonebridge and haven't died once.


Maybe I'm getting too old for gaming. I leveled up twice and can't seem to even get close to beeting her even though you folks have told me how.


Maybe I should just get back to making real world money, rather than spending it on games


One other option. Put it on EASY. Get another character in the game so you have a party of two. The second should be AI controlled, they'll probably not die on this battle. They'll also raise you if you die. Normally you'd get the AI character AFTER this battle, but you can place one in there instead. With an AI controlled companion to raise you when you die, it will give you second chances.

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