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  Joseph Bulock said:
There are a great deal more twists and turns that the player can uncover. While I hate spoilers as much as anybody else, this one really is pretty small in the scale of the game.


Will there be twist we won't be able to uncover because of our.. *takes a deep breath* CHOICES ?

*wink wink*

  Busomjack said:
GOD DAMMIT! How is it that the entire friggin plot is spoiled a month before the game is even released?! Why wasn't there at least a spoiler warning or anything. GOD DAMN WIKIPEDIA!

I was spoiled about Mass Effect 2 as well so I was really hoping that I could avoid major spoilers in Alpha Protocol. I wouldn't have expected the major plot twist to be revealed a month before the game was released.

I was just hoping for a introductory plot synopsis that just reveals some minor information about the settings and characters.


I was really really looking forward to this game and now the plot is RUINED! I AM FURIOUS!!!


Everyone, AVOID wikipedia!


Yeah, never EVER check Wikipedia for a book/game/movie you don't have yet because it's ****ing spoiler central.


I've lost count of how many times I accidentally ruined a plot because I was innocently looking for other information on a title. So annoying.

  Tigranes said:
it's basically Lord of the Rings before Rivendell, the Matrix before the red/blue pill.

So, it's the only part that's any good? :lol:

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