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It seems like few people come to this site anymore to talk about Kotor2. Surely there are other nostalgic gamers who continue to play kotor2. Despite all the glitches, vista problems, and cut content, the game is still incredibly fun. Being able to customize your character in so many ways makes for great replay value. Although most people are anticipating the new Old Republic game, I still think kotor2 will stand on its own as a unique game that despite its problems, is worth the effort.

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If you need any argument for KotOR over TSL, KotOR is better simply because it felt more of a "full" game. TSL, on the other hand had a rushed release and suffered greatly from a somewhat unsatisfying ending (not to mention more frustrating bugs). Other than that, I'd say they are pretty similar game experiences, with all the awesomeness and pitfalls a Star Wars game might have.

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K1 is far better on a technical level (ie it was finished), but K2 keeps me coming back...

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Well KotOR2 is a good game and I just beat it today, I personally think KotOR is the better of the two. Non-cryptic master, More game play, and in my opinion, a more original plot, with KotOR2 it feels almost redundant to the original KotOR. Still its a good game. :sorcerer:


More original than the second game? did we play the same games? The two are on opposite spectrums of originality. The first game was classic Star Wars. Bioware managed to take a franchise that was suffering from a heavy level of fan bashing because of the new prequel trilogy and bring back the flair of the original series. Everything from the masked villain to the final space battle against an unstoppable superweapon that could put the entire galaxy under its thumb was there. Kotor 2 on the other hand took a look at all of the typical Star Wars conventions and threw them away. Saying that Kotor 1 was more original in terms of plot is like saying Icewind Dale was more original than Planescape: Torment.

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