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Posted (edited)

Also you could exploit the position of London to house a basic number like 500 housed permanantly in the city while having more Vampires in the scene as needed. The Mainland Eu has the potential to house as many Vamps as you need. That way you would have to put up some guidelines like Gangrels in the city are a bit scattered but they have the tendercy to create information links and amass huge number of fighters unexpectedly while Ventrues generally prefer to do their business by themselves and their own armies of security personnel....


As a rough estimate you can reach half the Europe if you have access to uncharted forms of flight so It wouldn't be weird if a new group of Vamps from this clan springs up after things start going ploin shaped for their members in the city.


What I can't balance (in my head) is the number of Sabbat in the City. Any regular count turns up just too many shovelheads...

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

Posted (edited)

One thing that has occurred to me is that the Channel Tunnel could have been built to allow the Vampiric population of Europe free, easy and (above all) sunless entry into Britain. I say this on the basis that the system as it was built contains far more than just the tunnels the trains pass through. In fact the large digging machines used are still down there - after the tunnel was finished they were basically sent off to dig tunnels where they remain.


In a vampiric world maybe the digging machines were not turned off...or not all were used to build the tunnel the trains use....


Certainly this would be another factor in allowing a lower vampire population in London, since if the Vampires had their own tunnel then they could easily keep up to date with events in London and make night-trips there if needed with little trouble from elsewhere in Europe.

While the British Rail network is currently a total mess, the networks in the rest of Europe would allow a vampire to travel by rail just about anywhere with a day or two for nothing - and wouldn't require any duplicity with or hiding from civilian or military radar/aviation authorities. More importantly for a Vampire they could probably travel in style - you didn't really think trains in Europe carried that much cargo did you?

Maybe the British rail network is in its current state by design - a way to make it harder for vampires to get into the country and vanish without being detected on the boarder.


It could also be significant in this context that there have been countless attempts to build a tunnel between France and England over the centuries. In the real world none of these was successful...but in this world who's to say if they were or were not....

Edited by Darth Mortis

BTW have you decided how or if you are going to use other supernaturals in the game? the lower orders like hunters and mortal are generally not problematic but trying to fit weres, magi, technos and vamps into same city becomes a real pain after a while :lol:

I don't even want to think about the fallen and other high ups

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

Posted (edited)

Here's a thought: why not have the modern 'castles' of the elite as power stations. If you assume that there's a strong pro-Wyrm influence then I can't think of anywhere more secure or cool than a nuclear power plant. Even the coal fired ones are pretty tough, and of course they have human rapid reaction forces protecting them.


EDIT: also, you've seen those huge steel sealed containers going into power stations. Who's to say what is in them? Dignitaries? Blood? Slaves? Angels to power the generators?

Edited by Walsingham

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

  • 3 months later...
  cronicler said:
BTW have you decided how or if you are going to use other supernaturals in the game? the lower orders like hunters and mortal are generally not problematic but trying to fit weres, magi, technos and vamps into same city becomes a real pain after a while >_<

I don't even want to think about the fallen and other high ups


Yes they are present, but in very limited numbers.. no Weres in London though, they only really life in the old forests etc.. The Mages and Techs are there, but not in any great presence, because my stories won't really revolve around them in any way.


Fallen? I don't remember those..

Fortune favors the bald.

Posted (edited)
  Oner said:
  Lord Darius said:

What series are you playing? Dark Ages, Second Edition, or Requiem?

  Topic title said:
Vampire the Masquerade
And he mentions the Camarilla. :p



Vampire the Masquerade: First Edition (Retired)

Vampire the Masquerade: Second Edition

Vampire the Masquerade: Dark Ages

Vampire the Masquerade: Requiem


There are four flavors. The Camarilla is mentioned in all three.

Edited by Lord Darius
The demons.

ah thanks.. hadn't really considered those.. My game is alot more about the politics in the Vampire world, but I will read about it .. so I can answer any eventual questions the player might have in-game.


Oh btw, since people seem to be interested in this old thread again.. I held the initial playing round about 2 months ago, to familiarize the players to my setting. I went very well and in large parts thanks to the great suggestions in this thread! so feel free to add any thoughts or random info on the Vampire lore/setting etc as I'll most likely use it in some extent. I'm currently in the process of writing the main story, which will probably take another 2 months to complete.. it's gonna be huge! :p


What series are you playing? Dark Ages, Second Edition, or Requiem?

I mostly use Requiem and Second edition.. and pick and choose what elements I like from them, but I've completely rewritten the entire world history from scratch to make a more imho interesting setting.

Fortune favors the bald.

  Rosbjerg said:
What series are you playing? Dark Ages, Second Edition, or Requiem?

I mostly use Requiem and Second edition.. and pick and choose what elements I like from them, but I've completely rewritten the entire world history from scratch to make a more imho interesting setting.

Good deal. If you stay to the rules too closely, rpgs can get boring really quick. What cities are you looking at?


Suggestion: London, New York, or LA.


Well the story unfolds over roughly 20 chapters so far, each going to be about 3-4 hours in length.. This is because we don't really have another RP game going at the moment so I'm kinda supplying them with their only PnP fix..


The story starts in 2000 and as the game will probably take a few years to complete in real time, I'm taking in real events, as the story going to progress towards our current time, and add some spice (like why did 9/11 take place in a vampire world etc). The story will be an exploration of some of the major events that has made up the 21st century and how the Vampire lore affects them.


In essence that means they'll travel to London, Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Strasbourg, Brussels, Amsterdam, some cities in North Africa, India, China and Japan and some of the major cities in America (NY, LA, Washington D.C etc) as they unravel the mysteries I've set up for them.


Luckily, between the other GM and myself, we pretty much been all the places that we are letting them visit, which will hopefully flesh out the locations.

Fortune favors the bald.

Posted (edited)


About six months ago, I started a 1920s Vampire campaign. Our characters lived and were involved with the mafia. I used "Vampire the Masquerade: First Edition" rules. It was a neat reflection on history. We were in Italy, Germany, and the States. At the end of last weeks campaign, we stopped in San Francisco 1930s. Turf wars, gun and alcohol smuggling, etc... Everything you can think of to empower the local enclave. It was sweet.

Edited by Lord Darius
  • 3 weeks later...

My old referee did one where we alternated modern events with stuff from the dark ages and renaissance. Explained as us having ancient bastard style flashbacks. We knew we wouldn't die in the past, obviously, but really awful stuff like torture, humiliation or violation could. Plus extreme trauma could draw us so far into our memories that we could lose current skills like computer use. Bloody good stuff.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.


That's a very interesting idea Walsh, my players' characters are no more than 100 years old though, so it wouldn't work exactly like that.. but it gave me a few ideas!

Fortune favors the bald.

  Rosbjerg said:
That's a very interesting idea Walsh, my players' characters are no more than 100 years old though, so it wouldn't work exactly like that.. but it gave me a few ideas!


Well, come on then, share them, you bugger.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.


Well, for one I thought of the redemption angle, which is pretty clich

  • Like 1

Fortune favors the bald.

  • 5 years later...

Found this old thing and wanted to thank you guys again for all the suggestions - we just finished the campaign last week.. Only took 5 years heh..

Fortune favors the bald.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/22/2014 at 10:15 PM, Rosbjerg said:

Found this old thing and wanted to thank you guys again for all the suggestions - we just finished the campaign last week.. Only took 5 years heh..


I'm totally curious now -- why did you need so many vampires in London?

Edited by centurionofprix
  • Like 1

We ended up running with 750 spread out in London and the surrounding cities. The narrative evolved over the years to focus on the rise of one individual, indirectly inspired by Philip of Macedon and Basil I of Byzantium - from rags to riches - a 7th generation vampire from the 18th century, becoming the de facto leader due to clever manipluations etc. In fact it was very inspired by Byzantine feudal politics of the 9th-11th century. The players were peripheral Vampires, trying to get some power in this huge complicated system, without dying horribly a long the way.


So I wanted to have this huge feudal group feel, with branching supporters, making the whole bureaucracy difficult to navigate and influence - but ultimately also have it be extremely fragile due to the sheer amount of power players involved. If I had kept it at 200ish vampires, I felt it would have been to easy for the players to see the developing story archs as they would eventually have met all of them during the 5-6 years.


It ended with all of them being murdered by making the wrong allegiances a few years back. But they liked it anyway :)

  • Like 3

Fortune favors the bald.

  On 11/23/2014 at 2:29 PM, Rosbjerg said:

It ended with all of them being murdered by making the wrong allegiances a few years back.



Ah, Vampire, never change  :lol:

  • Like 2

"Lulz is not the highest aspiration of art and mankind, no matter what the Encyclopedia Dramatica says."


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