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Possible dead CPU heatsink - help needed!


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OK I was happily playing Red Alert 3 last night and my PC died. I actually smelt something akin to burning.




I tried a reboot and it lasted about 5 minutes before dying again.




After that it didn't get past the boot screen.




I took the top off and the smell seemed to be coming from the CPU heatsink. I took it off and checked out the cpu - it looked ok (well ok for something which has seen continuous heavy use for almost 3 years).




I waited a bit and then plugged everything back in and then turned the system on - this time the system and heatsink fans wirred for a bit and then shutdown. Power is getting to the motherboard as the light is on and I just swapped in a new PSU a few months ago, so I doubt that is the problem.




Do you think my suspicions are right and the CPU heat sink is buggered?




I guess that means I need to buy a new CPU at least (the heatsinks come with the CPUs right?). Not a big problem as it was probably time to update anyway...however is there any possibility it could be a motherboard problem? I don't want to buy a new cpu and then find out it was my motherboard all along (unlikely given the smell from the heatsink, I guess.).




Thanks for any tips!

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DIdn't your motherboard come with some bundled software/utilities that can show CPU temperature?


That is, if you can run it and read the values before it dies of course :(


There is an entire industry out there making a living of cooling for this and that, including cpus. No need to buy a new cpu :(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I think you should try cleaning up the sink and fan and applying a bit of new thermal paste like Arctic Silver 5 to the CPU, before remounting the sink. You can use a swab stick or cutton bud or what's its name, to clean it up i.e. the CPU, fan and sink, with.


My system gets really dusty after a few months, but I'm using some pretty big sinks from Thermalright and there is a good airflow in the case so it's not that critical, but it helps to clean it up still.


You got any new hardware lately?

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You got any new hardware lately?


I replaced the PSU 5 months ago as the last one burnt out.


I guess I'll try the thermal paste and see how I go as there didn't seem to be any left when I took the heatsink off.

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If the CPU fan isn't a snug fit it could well cause the mobo to auto shutdown. Since your machine could boot and work for a while the processor must still work.

Next step is to order a new CPU fan and heatsink, it's quite cheap compared to anything else in there so i'd say you are in luck.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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