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Old, really old, Arcade Classics Renewed...

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I had this odd thought. What if someone took all the old arcade and Atari classics and redid them with today's tech. I get images of Joust with a first person view or Super Mario Brothers in an actual 3D sewer maze with over the shoulder view. Hmmm...

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Sinstar, Defender, Contra all went the 'lets make it 3D! Route and failed.


The ones that didn't include Battlezone and Hostile Waters (Carrier Command).


'Rearmed' versions of Pacman and Galaga are also meant to be very good reimaginings but are still '2D'.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I tried a 3D Pacman once. It just wasn't the same... 2D rocks! >_


Somehow, Mario with a pair of blades and an UZI, fighting ninja style through level after level, decapacitating opponents just doesn't add up. It would be Mario in name only!


For some of those oldies, the stylised gfx were an integral part of them. Especially the fast and furious ones, you need effects that makes it clear and unambigous what is happening on screen, something you can't always do adding more polygons and colours (and a third dimension).


Others could probably benefit from a "re-make", although I would settle for a bunch of oldies that would actually just run on my computer without resorting to emulators.


Hmm... Forbidden Forest running on that Crysis engine on the other hand... *drool*

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Contra 4 DOES rule.


Who needs crappy 'modern' remakes when you can have 'traditional' remakes with the awsome levels ramped right up.


You of all people should know this Ms.Infinity Engine.


Contra 4 is worth buying a DS for if you were a fan of the originals. Period.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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They did an ok job of turning Prince of Persia into 3d. So it can be done.


Imagine Pacman merged with a game like Mirrors Edge.. Were you had to escape ghosts that came flying from everywhere, while collecting small white dots.

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