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I'm not sure if this is the complete list of pazaak players in KotOR 2:


Pato Ado, Dantooine

Mebla Dule, Telos cantina

Doton Het, Telos cantina

Nikko, Iziz Cantina

The three players in the Nar Shadda pazaak den + the Champ


Are there any other players?


That sounds about right. One of my favorite mini games in Kotor is Pazaak and I make it a point ot know where they are. It passes the time when you start to get bored killing Dark Jedi.

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Its even better, because you only have to play Pazaak one time at all (in the course of a quest). :D


In KotoR1 you had to beat that guy on the space station 10 times to get lower prizes...

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