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Equipping NPCs in Ebon Hawk

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Check the lower bar... You should see 3 chars and scrolling arrows next to them and thus you can select every char.


NOTE: The AC on the EH screen is ALWAYS 9. For a real AC representation you have to leave the ship...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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When you go to equip screen there is arrows near your characters portrate, one facing right one facing left, click on them and then you can scroll through the different characters on the ship as everyone else has explained.

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Possible to keep in mind that it also makes unequipping characters in advance easier. So, you could unequip Kriea's weapons and any other gear that is given to her, especially for few of those that are found rather than made with the workbench, before she leaves your party towards end of game. Not all items appear in a game anyway.

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Do you guys have the xbox version of KOTOR 1? You can equip npcs in the first game in exactly the same way you do it in KOTOR 2 on the ebon hawk.


In fact, its a little harder to equip them in KOTOR 2 because you have to have the cursor exactly on the right spot to change characters on the equip screen.

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I have the Xbox version of Kotor 1 and 2.

I just checked and no it wont do what it does in K2. In K2 you press "start" then the "black button" when on equip screen to change party's equipment. In K1 it just cycles through whatever is high-lighted.


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