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Hello all,


I just finished this game for the first time. Really loved it, but I had the feeling I missed out on a lot of dialogue. So I'd like to ask you about a couple of things before I decide to play the game for a second time :wub:"


I have to say my game was plagued by a lot of bugs, somehow I got the feeling these bugs corrupted my saved gamefiles.


I played a male, somewhat Light-sided Jedi Consular/Master with a high persuade, charisma and wisdom.


Unpatched game (game was fully patch, but uninstalled/re-installed when I encountered the CHEAT-NODE-bug at Atris' place) and didn't use any 3rd-party fixes/utilities *yet*.


Some stuff I noticed and that seemed *wrong* to me:

-When entering the Ebon Hawk, sometimes a cut-sc

Posted (edited)

K2 basically uses an influence system through conversation dialogue. Gaining influence with party members will allow each character's story to be discovered further than before. This can happen in quite a few ways.


Usually, Atton is relatively easy to gain influence with. First few times to do that is when negotiating the Harginger to get to Ebon Hawk through Peragus mining station. Whether you play as lightside/darkside, there will be options to gain influence with Atton.


Not all characters can necessarily allow influence to be increased with either light or dark side. Visas can be influenced usually even when playing as an LS PC.


Gaining influence with Kreia does not always depend on doing quests as it is about using manipulation in doing so.


Gaining influence with Disciple will almost require that you choose lightsided options in conversation.


Characters like Hanharr can be obtained only if your character is aligned towards darkside.


Bao-Dur's influence tends to revolve mostly around lightsided options and doing quests for gaining influence.


Game is structured in a way where having only most but not all characters in a game might agree with your alignment. So, you might gain influence with a few characters which would encourage a certain sense of disagreement with some others.

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



Posted (edited)

After you fight Darth Nihilus, you go straight to Malachor without seeing your characters. The only thing you missed is the same thing everyone else missed, and that was the piles upon piles of cut content where your NPC's get involved.


KOTOR2 is full of bugs (I believe its partly because of the hack job content cutting they did), generally they don't corrupt your files although there are cases where it has happened.


You may have done it already, but really take the time to talk to your characters, learn about them and here their stories. Also, even though it often results in DS points, talk to Kreia alot and gain influence, this will almost always result in an increase in Force points. Personally, in K2 with all the Force powers I liked to try and play a Force only game.

Edited by Darth Hades

Full of bugs? Guess everyone's experience is different. Some who encounter a lot and some very few. The only one I can call off memory is the black screen of death that happens on Dantoonie. When you leave the Ebon Hawk it goes to a black screen and freezes up.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

Posted (edited)
Full of bugs? Guess everyone's experience is different. Some who encounter a lot and some very few. The only one I can call off memory is the black screen of death that happens on Dantoonie. When you leave the Ebon Hawk it goes to a black screen and freezes up.



I have it from sources that X-box versions have few if any bugs as compared to PC. Yet you would be hard pressed to find a version for PC without any. My version is pretty good, mainly just freezing glitches and some screen jumping.

Edited by Darth Hades

To the original poster,


It depends what you define as "a lot".


If you only play through the game one way you will inevitably miss some things, especially given that certain NPCs are only joinable depending on gender and alignment. So already that's something that you missed.


Plus there are slight variations in what happens (some say not even noticeable, however) depending if you choose a lightside or darkside way to solve quests.


IMO, there's enough content (even with the rushed ending, and the cut content) there to provide enough new things to discover if you play it at least one or two more times. I played both KOTORs about 4 or 5 times each, and at that point got pretty much all I could out of them.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


My game crashes alot, randomly when loading new areas. It usually happened about every hour or so of playing, sometimes less, sometimes more. Also the game would frequently crash when I had movies enabled, thus I missed a bit of story. Curiously enough, at times I would enable movies and it would work fine. There was also a minor one on my last play through where whenever I entered a new area my lightsaber (with the special crystal, respectively title the 'Gala Nadiil Crystal') it would activate and stay activated. For the most time it wouldn't be a problem, but it was iritating in the cut scene where my character was meditating with Kreia and the Disciple, as her lightsaber was sticking up into the wall or a character (can't recall which side she sat on)

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