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my dream...good or bad i would like to share it

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Yes, a game concept. I apologize if this is not the best place to put it and if you aren't interested in stuff like this (becouse i can only imagine the amount of people that comes to You saying : Hey, i have an idea for a new game and its the best you'll ever hear!!!!)


well, i wont say that my game idea is the best you'll hear but im confident it is the best I have ever heared :p And if you are asking : "Why us!!??? Don't you have any friends??Someone who would actually care??" Well, my favorite game still is Kotor, one of the few games where i felt the "power" of a good and creative team behind it...

so, if im to share a dream at least i share it with the best , if there's someone who could make it work it would be you guys.


But i know that wont happen :- i have no expectations, just a dream i want to share and maybe you will use some ideas :-" (yeah ,right... o:) )



So, my dream,

I dream of an MMORPG that would place WoW in a corner. Hehehe, this starts well <_<

Nothing "revolutionary" but with enough creativity to be different.

To explain better, i'll compare my dream game with WoW only on this small detail: back story, better yet "it's universe". The Universe of Wow comes from RTS's,we all know that, and even though RTS's are not the best way to tell a story, WoW managed to adquire a credible story. People were getting used to elves, orcs an so on, so they haven't found the story strange, leading hordes of stupid orcs was kind of nice ... so the warcraft universe starts emerging. All this just to tell how important i find to have a back story, i think that the player should know and be a fan of the story way before being part of it.

So , imo this dream game would need not one , but 2 single player games behind it.. one for each nation in conflit.

Those 2 games would be "simply" 3rd person rpgs with a medieval story behind.

Why 2? First , a good story would create the universe. Second , 2 games , 2 nations .. a conflit.

In the first prequel we would follow the life of a young boy, orphan with a sad past that finds himself as the rightfull owner of his home kingdom. A deep and strong personallity meant to be king, someone like Prince of Percia .. but much more sociable :) The second prequel with a similar story, the rise of another young king.

This 2 prequels needed to be good on they're own but they would the mean to a higher end. Hopefully , if the players felt "emerged" in the universe of this two similar but separated nations , that would make a good entrance for a much more ambicious project : the mmropg

The MMORPG would start with the discovery of one of the nations by the other . Well, they started on the wrong foot (explaining it would mean more lines , so lets just call it an "incident"), creating a deadly hatred between both kings. there's no "bad guy" here, both nations are noble and fight for they're cause... making harder for players to choose sides.

Well , that would be one of the most important features , as for the rest...

i am sick of elves, mages with fireballs , dragons and evil bosses that takes 2 hours to kill. Isn't there enough evil in Men? Why turn to ugly and "scary" bosses? Can't there be some imagination without turning to fantasy?I would like to see for once a more realistic rpg,something without magic , without those stupid squares where you place your inventory, without swords coming out of killed spiders, without super health potions that restores and heals....teleports....

That was all nice ..when diablo was launch!! Are we still in the same path...? Yes, it still works.. until someone having the briliant idea of changing for better.. i wish that culd be Obsidian :p

But what could make the game "real"? I like to picture the first nation as a robin hood style land but without merlin :) the second nation more oriental based , that would also help to spread the market into asia...

Beautiful horses , lakes ,forests .. imagination, art .... cant a land have its "magic" without the fantasy?

well, im getting carried away.. so much details i would like to say... so i'll just mention one more point:

combat system

the most real possible,i dont click on another player see if the name is in red and if so , double click and attack! in my dream,depends on the players skills... a combat can last for hours or it can just end up in one minute with a decapitated head. yes, im talking about real combat here, why cant archers have full control of theyre arrows in 1st person view..? why cant warriors have full control of theyre weapon , theyre shield .. with the left and right mouse buttons?

if someone hits you with an arrow in the arm , fight with the other. if it goes to the heart you are dead! no "respaw", you never fought that day , it was just a bad dream...


ok, i said to much .. now if someone had the patience to read all of this , pls tell me why would my dream fail ...becouse you guys are much more experienced then i am and could say what works in this fictious project and whats just meant to fail.

thank you for your patience :rolleyes: now i can sleep better at night o:)

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So what you want is:



-An MMO set in a medieval world without so much magic & elves

-Two factions who make war against eachother

-Skill-based, no stats etc.

-Two or more prequel games that lets the player experience the setting from a single-player perspective



Overall, it sounds reasonable. Except for skillbased combat, one of the reasons why MMO's are so popular is because a stat-based system lets everyone compete on the same terms. A 12 yearold with a grave physical disability could defeat a Korean Quakemaster.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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This appears to be more in the realm of specific game ideas rather than development related. Moving to Computer & Console.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Another potential problem about your idea: if you want to have skillbased combat in a MMO, you're going to have to rely on everyone having the same kind of connection speeds. In an ordinary MMO you can lag like hell and still win a battle, because the combat is almost completely automated. Even if you can't see what's going on, your character keeps on hitting his opponent. If it was a skillbased system, everytime you lag out, your character does too and you're inevitably dead.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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hey thanks for reading it..


lets se,

Except for skillbased combat, one of the reasons why MMO's are so popular is because a stat-based system lets everyone compete on the same terms. A 12 yearold with a grave physical disability could defeat a Korean Quakemaster.


thank you for making it short :D yes , you are right , there must be balance. im not saying that a naked veteran has any chance of winning a group of 5 noobs just with his skills. skills would be a major factor , but not the only one, of course. Weapon + armor quality + shield + experience with those items + skill. I atack , i defend , i kill or i get killed it's not that difficult maybe like Rock Paper Scissor... gives everyone a chance to kill his enemy.



"Another potential problem about your idea: if you want to have skillbased combat in a MMO, you're going to have to rely on everyone having the same kind of connection speeds. In an ordinary MMO you can lag like hell and still win a battle, because the combat is almost completely automated. Even if you can't see what's going on, your character keeps on hitting his opponent. If it was a skillbased system, everytime you lag out, your character does too and you're inevitably dead."

Also true, the same way i die in CS with an headshot on my face becouse of laagg. yes ,i know its a little different

You are right , its a problem , the only thing i can say is that this project wouldnt be ready in a year, we are talking about 3 games here, so tecnology evolves maybe broadband will to ;). oh my, im talking like the game was actually planned :)

also, one on one combat would not take long, as i said i would like to see the game a little more real , and if you have seen braveheart you see that almost everyone dies in the first hit, they dont have a miracle potion to replace theyre lost arm . unless you can predict all your enemy moves , and that requires much skill....

so, quick fights reduce the chance of getting killed while lagging. but yes , its still a problem , especially in huge battles.

of course you can always die from a long distance arrow in the neck... and if you are thinking how stupid that is then... yeaa! so are snipers ... :p:lol:


No respawns or save system means the cashcow ends a lot sooner.

got that right, but im not excluding the possibility of a save system. but getting killed, respaw in town and blink for five seconds its not my idea of creativity.


yes, trying to achieve this kind realism in a battle would maybe turn boring.. but i dont think so. and those 2 single player games would not only make a back story , they would serve as a test if the system works or not.

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yes, of course that respawning is inevitable, if not i would die and then what?play another game..? im talking about respaw points...

most rpg multiplayer or not are like this :you die and you get teleported to the middle of the town or to the place where you "saved" your life... Is that the best that can be donne? or just the easy way? in how many games did you guys see this? probably more then you think since people get used to what they usually see.if it cant be more real.. at least make it more logical. Why cant it be something like waking up in a inn where you have been for a few days recovering from wounds..? maybe that would not work, but at least something different from the "revival stone"; that would be making something already donne multiple times...

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