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how short is too short?


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Do I have to creatively kill all your charactors, or just Dhothlar? heh heh heh


Anyhow, got my first response from someone. It was from Jon Birnbaum at Gamebanshee. Pretty pointless in light of everything, but the advice is actually reasonable as a general rule. I'm almost tempted to respond with a link to the first thread.


Well, here's the answer I had hoped would shed light on the issue:


"I would not accept a post on the RPGCodex forums as fact. I

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Just wanted to register and add my voice to the throng, for what it's worth. Despite not caring for NWN at all for multiple reasons (poorly-conceived changes to the basic system, ugly graphics, poor single-player campaign), I was quite excited about NWN2 until I heard about this. Those recent gameplay videos are impressive.


But I simply will not pay for a 20-hour single-player campaign, I know many people not given to posting on internet fora who feel the same way, and I think it is disingenuous for JE to equivocate about the real length of what they will be offering.


It's simply responsible consumerism. I haven't purchased Oblivion because of some of their design decisions, and this is much the same. That's not to say that I won't ever play those games, but one of the few brightsides to the fact that publishers are so knee-jerk to declare games successes or failures is that even delaying a purchase a month or two can get your voice heard.


I hope Feargus was wrong, and that the main campaign is 35 or 40 hours. All things being equal, I'd be happy to give Obsidian my money. I s'pose we shall see.

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At any rate, I'll be sending out more emails/snail mails today.


While I applaud your efforts, I fear that they are going to be in vain. The gaming press isn't exactly the most objective. Most gaming sites are too dependant on good will from the publishers (review copies, invitations to press events) to be asking questions this uncomfortable.


(not that I really consider this an uncomfortable question, but apparently Feargus does or we'd have an answer already)


I may be a bit cynical, but I don't exactly have faith in the gaming sites and magazines when it comes to digging.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hahaha. You know what's comedy? Feargus originally posted in the "Top Ten with Feargus" thread:




Fionavar moved his response into it's own thread, complete with the ten questions:




I noticed that "How's the family" made it into the top ten while my question about Feargus' comments did not. hahahaha


No hard feelings, though. There's more imformation coming out about this stuff and I never figured we'd get a response from The Big Cheese. I'd just hoped we might. Pretty slick way of doing things though, Fionavar. I say that without a hint of irony or sarcasm. heh heh heh. Oh well, we're just a bunch of message board cowboys. Sometimes you lose a gunfight or two.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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