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I just finished Dark Corners of the Earth. Seven more screenshots in the pics of your games thread as soon as I'm finished. None from the actual ending though, that'd be telling.


It was really good, damn shame Headfirst went under. More people need to play this. I'll also upload a .wmv file I found in the game folders that looks to be a promo trailer with actual game footage that never got released...because of the piss poor marketing.



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First half to three quarters of the game were perfect. Latter parts became a little gunfighty. The entire thing was very atmospheric but especially the earlier bits. HUD-less system adds a lot to it, I found myself trying to mentally keep track of how many bullets I'd spent since I didn't have a meter onscreen. Learning curve is brutal and I was only on the normal difficulty setting, headshots and conserving your ammo are important.


I think if it hadn't had run into so much trouble during development and Bethesda didn't act like total jackasses it could've been 'the perfect game' easy. There are some bugs in the PC version related to the quick port. Most of them are fixable by the user using a Hex Editor and after I ran into one I found out there's a pretty thriving fan community and already several fan patches out, which unlike the Bloodlines ones only seem to add features that were cut due to the limitations of the Hexbox hardware.



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Playing through Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht.


It looks like Namco is trying to release NA's Episode III rather quickly after the Japanese release, so I'm preparing myself. :ermm:

Edited by Haitoku
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I just finished Dark Corners of the Earth.  Seven more screenshots in the pics of your games thread as soon as I'm finished.  None from the actual ending though, that'd be telling. 


It was really good, damn shame Headfirst went under.  More people need to play this.  I'll also upload a .wmv file I found in the game folders that looks to be a promo trailer with actual game footage that never got released...because of the piss poor marketing.


I'm in the process of playing it now. Seems pretty cool so far, but the bugs are pretty rough. I've had to play through the same section(when you discover the basement in the grocery store + the old printing press) three times. I like how the main character comments on everything you check. It adds quite a bit to the atmosphere and immersion.

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RE: Lockpicking in Oblivion


Move the pick to the tumbler, and push up. I think the goal is to click right when it is about to hit the top.


In any case, if I wait for the slowest one, I pretty much never miss. I would conservatively say that I probably picked hit about 100 tumblers in a row at one point.

Edited by alanschu
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To anyone who plays Oblivion:


Can someone explain the lock picking to me?

And also, is it possible to attack while on hoarse back?


Basicly... you click on one of the thingies, if begins to fall down fast it mean it will break if you click on it again. If it falls down slow if you click on it it will unlock.


Thats how I did it anyways.

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To anyone who plays Oblivion:


Can someone explain the lock picking to me?

And also, is it possible to attack while on hoarse back?


You're trying to get all the tumblers(the bars) stuck into the top. It's mainly a matter of timing, and figuring out the sweet spot at which they stick, which unfortunately makes lockpicking entirely too easy once you have.


No attacking from horseback - you gotta dismount.

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What bug are you running into? The only one I ran into was not being able to finish the final chase scene due to them decreasing the default walking speed from the Xbox version.


Workaround involves either editing the .exe file with a Hex Editor, or trial and erroring your way through while not using the strafe keyes at all.


This makes no sense considering the strafe keys plus the forward key are sometimes the quickest way to move from point A to B, but it worked for me so meh.



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What bug are you running into?  The only one I ran into was not being able to finish the final chase scene due to them decreasing the default walking speed from the Xbox version. 


Workaround involves either editing the .exe file with a Hex Editor, or trial and erroring your way through while not using the strafe keyes at all.


This makes no sense considering the strafe keys plus the forward key are sometimes the quickest way to move from point A to B, but it worked for me so meh.


The first time I tried to hit esc to increase the brightness and it crashed to desktop. The second time I entered some room in the newspaper building and the camera panned away like it was going to do a mini cinematic, but it locked up and just sat there. The third time my damn spyware thing came up and I guess the game isn't fond of application switching as I had another CTD again.


Knowing that it was ported basically by one guy and the low price makes the technical issues somewhat tolerable though I suppose.

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Yeah, I'm just pretty happy I even got the game. My system's been pretty good about not bugging games up, hope I get this lucky the next time I upgrade <crosses fingers>


I can't really help you with the first two, but as for the last one, the game doesn't do app switching. At all. Every time I've tried I've had to manually end it.



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