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I prefer a balance of combat and role play story in a CRPG, but combat is an important aspect of the CRPG, so it needs to be really good which is rare nowadays.

I heard this before, a great many times on here. I think it came from the same person. :-"



A good story and combat is good, but I aspire for godhood and should get it by the end of the game. :-


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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In all the campaigns I've run, the players devalue roleplaying and focus on combat.  For most of the players I've met, even the ones who hold forth on the vlaue of role-playing and a well written campaign, combat is the thing


So, I have rogues, mages, clerics, fighters, etc in the party.  Nevertheless, the players still tend to overlook their worth outside of combat, however, and I just don't know why.  Intellectually they know they're vital to the group, but the guy bringing down the game gets the bragging rights, although his strength was buffed, his combat roles were augmented, his health was healed, and his weapons were enchanted by ohter members of the party.

Combat is the embodiment of Role-Play for most people, probably because it is the simpliest concept to deal with: confict may be a spectrum of different actions and responses aside from the mortal, but killing and looting is the bottom line that everyone can skim to.


Probably (say this quietly) most people who role play don't want to role play, they want to pretend to be THE CHOSEN ONE




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I don't.  I don't want to be the chosen one.  Most of my characters that I play are just normal folk trying to survive in a world not of their own making.



Which is why metadigital said most people.


It's not really hard to fathom why your perspective is not really all that popular.


It's funny that you complain about MMOs, because MMOs are probably an environment best suited to the experience you want.

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Um... no.


At least in the PnP games I play my character is mostly seeking to save him or herself which sometimes fails to do.


As for CRPGs it is part f the cours that youhave to save the world but it is getting tiresome.



Um, actually yes.


Games such as UO, Eve, and I think EQ as well (didn't play it much) have made it perfectly viable to be very successful without being a chosen one.


Eve would probably be the best candidiate, as I find it to be the most versatile and open of the worlds.

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Which is why metadigital said most people.


It's not really hard to fathom why your perspective is not really all that popular.


It's funny that you complain about MMOs, because MMOs are probably an environment best suited to the experience you want.


I know that it isn't popular, but the good things in life rarely are the popular things in life. Learned that in high school :lol: The main problem I have with MMORPGs is the additional people. Most are a bunch of pubescent asses. Its not the game itself or the genre I hate, its the people it attracts.

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Um... no.


At least in the PnP games I play my character is mostly seeking to save him or herself which sometimes fails to do.


As for CRPGs it is part f the cours that youhave to save the world but it is getting tiresome.

CRPGs my characters were destined for greatness. In PnP my characters became greatness by achievement.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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But do they achieve greatness to feed their own hubris, do they become great by happenstance, or people just think they are great when in truth they are just mediecre? My current PnP character is going through a tough time. She is a part of a military unit and comes from a nation that despises all magic and kills all magic users upon site. Think Salem Witch trials on a massive scale and without the trial. Hell, on the the players had his character kill off another player's character for he beleived he was using magic.


This wouldn't be bad if my character didn't come from a magical background, such as being Atlantean. She is very much thinking about her own survival which may end up me killing the other player characters which as a player does not sit well with me.

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But do they achieve greatness to feed their own hubris, do they become great by happenstance, or people just think they are great when in truth they are just mediecre?  My current PnP character is going through a tough time.  She is a part of a military unit and comes from a nation that despises all magic and kills all magic users upon site.  Think Salem Witch trials on a massive scale and without the trial.  Hell, on the the players had his character kill off another player's character for he beleived he was using magic.


This wouldn't be bad if my character didn't come from a magical background, such as being Atlantean.  She is very much thinking about her own survival which may end up me killing the other player characters which as a player does not sit well with me.

Mr Hades, I think it's clear to everyone here (and I include you in that) that you are not to whom I was referring. :)




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Anywho, it's pretty neat how CRPGs (well, the media in general, whatever) has trivialized combat and its consequenses. Just wiped out a whole tribe of gobs, no problem! No one will care. Just murdered everyone in some sect because they were all 'evil', no problem! The law is on your side. Yay plausibility!


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Hades wasn't popular in school?


Um, no, I wasn't and I got in a lot of fights. Won most of them to. there was this one time this kid and 3 of his friends decide to chase down the fat kid down an alley. They were all about a year ot three older as well. So they yelled and screamed, then charged at me. What they didn't know that I had 20 pounts worth of ADnD 1e hardcover books in my duffelbag. Just when the first kid was in reach I swung hard and slammed the book bag right into him. The force knocked him into the brick wall. He had a gushing nose bleed, a chipped tooth, and was knocked in a daze.


The other 3 just stood there and looked dumbfounded. God, I love critical hits.

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But do they achieve greatness to feed their own hubris, do they become great by happenstance, or people just think they are great when in truth they are just mediecre?  My current PnP character is going through a tough time.  She is a part of a military unit and comes from a nation that despises all magic and kills all magic users upon site.  Think Salem Witch trials on a massive scale and without the trial.  Hell, on the the players had his character kill off another player's character for he beleived he was using magic.


This wouldn't be bad if my character didn't come from a magical background, such as being Atlantean.  She is very much thinking about her own survival which may end up me killing the other player characters which as a player does not sit well with me.

My last PnP character was a drow, she was the eldest duaghter and the next in line to become the head of their house. Her younger sister made her move against her when they were on the surface fighting surface elves. She was battered and bleeding by the time her younger sister got done with her and she was banished on the surface.


She was a powerful figure in her society who was reduced to nothing. She survived on the surface and achieved great things. She was not evil, the reason why her sister turned on her was because she showed mercy to some elven children. Glory days of PnP how I miss them. :)


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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