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Heart of Gold Here We Come


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Scientists say subatomic particles can exist in more than one state at the same time, so while they're taking measurements that prove light isn't going inside the machine, it's quantum nature let's it do just that whilst also remaining outside. The Zeno effect is basically them 'proving' the light hasn't gone inside the machine (even though it has).

It seems to me the article is making a big fuss over how the computer answers the question without 'running' because the photon doesn't enter it, but actually all that's happening is the question is being inputted by different means, by 'quantum flirtation' rather than the photon. The scientist says the computer has not run, but in fact it has both run and not run, and it's therefore less surprising that it should have produced an answer (as well as not produced an answer, which presumably you wouldn't notice so much).

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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But are the Quantum thingies REAL or theoretical particles like the whole String+Mtheory hype?



But it's hard to get a handle on them, because (obviously) they are too small to see (anything smaller than the wavelength of visible light can't be see, no matter how much magnification you use); so the only way to detect the particles is indirectly (when they hit something else, for example).


See Schr




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Scientists say subatomic particles can exist in more than one state at the same time, so while they're taking measurements that prove light isn't going inside the machine, it's quantum nature let's it do just that whilst also remaining outside. The Zeno effect is basically them 'proving' the light hasn't gone inside the machine (even though it has).

It seems to me the article is making a big fuss over how the computer answers the question without 'running' because the photon doesn't enter it, but actually all that's happening is the question is being inputted by different means, by 'quantum flirtation' rather than the photon. The scientist says the computer has not run, but in fact it has both run and not run, and it's therefore less surprising that it should have produced an answer (as well as not produced an answer, which presumably you wouldn't notice so much).


Pretty much

There are none that are right, only strong of opinion. There are none that are wrong, only ignorant of facts

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