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About every 30mins of game play, crash with a run time error. Only started doing this after installing the KoToR Tool. Might also be linked to new motherboard installed running at 8xAGP instead of the others 4xAGP...the new motherboard I don't see as being the issue.

Uninstalled it.  No crash's now.  So Obveusly it was the tool causeing the issue.


did you have 3.3.3?

(It's never crashed on my PC...)



"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




Kotor tool != Kotor Savegame Editor


(Atleast, so it looks to me)


I forgot there was a tool as well...

(talking about that, I need 2 update my Kotor toll...)



"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."





It's not the tool crashing, it's the game crashing. I only have KoToR2 installed...and the tool installs and looks for things for KoToR1 as well. So that might be part of the issue..but I doubt it.


I downloaded and installed the most recent version. Kotor Tool v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)


All the error message says is C++ run time error. If/when it crashs again I take a screenshot of it...but it's not too dicriptive and I can't find any error logs.


Does a full re-install to get rid of any of the tool's influence work?

I have no idea how it work but is something in your save edited by the tool? If so does an unmodified or even new save work?


Adnormal program tormination, swkotor2.exe.


There is graphical flashing before the crash, so it might be video relaited. But the only thing that has canged in the hardware and drivers is the motherboard has 8xAGP instead of 4xAGP.


The mods in the save aren't the cause as I had all of them running before this started with no issues. And I haven't downloaded any new mods.


I did find a driver update for the motherboard for it's chipset which controls the AGP 3.0..so that might likely be one cause.


Well I can't figure out whats cuasing this issue. Updated all the the drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled allt he drivers. Uninstalled and reinstalled the game. No other apps running. Updated windows.


Get these screen flashs..just the non static models flash, static do not. Then after either a couple or has been a couple times a couple hours and still didn't..during those long times the graphics never flashed.




After some researching part of the issue might be the motherboard isn't routing voltages currectly to the AGP. That is a staple problem people have noted about this board.


It is the tool causeing the C++ run time error crashs. I have to not only uninstall the tool but also the game to fix it. After that no crash's, no graphical flashing.


Gah, C++ Run time error crash again. The tool was never installed this time. But oddly this is the onyl time the C++ run time error has acured with out the tool installed.

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