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PS3 costs Sony $800 ?


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They used to list the PC specs. They dont appear to anymore.


Speaking of Oblivion it's supposed to be out in 29 days




Does that zombie look like it's made of plastic or is it just me ?

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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K2 patches were amongst the worst I have experienced. Then again, I don't recall having any show-stopper bugs EVER.



Been there. Done that. I didn't even get a lousy T-shirt outta the deal. Cheap bastards. :-

And shepherds we shall be,

for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be,

In Nomine Patris, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti.

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K2 patches were amongst the worst I have experienced. Then again, I don't recall having any show-stopper bugs EVER.



Been there. Done that. I didn't even get a lousy T-shirt outta the deal. Cheap bastards. >_<


I have a KOTOR1 T-Shirt. It's grey with Malak's head on the chest. But then I did some work for Bioware so... :ermm:

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I got KOTORII on the Xbox same missing bits, but it did play through without a hitch.


Fuel for Telos, Criminals, Game-stopping Telos glitch, Game-stopping Onderon glitch, broken Force Powers, Crashes (look for the start of "Technical"... damn lot of crashing on the box)? Most of these are fixed for us PC gamers by Gizka... and you guys got nothing...


K2 patches were amongst the worst I have experienced. Then again, I don't recall having any show-stopper bugs EVER.


Yes. Kotor2's patch was a pain to install (96% anyone?) but you got to be lucky if the patching bugged out since 1.0B must be among the top 5 of worst patches ever. Funny, console port.... no-patches needed quality, no? :ermm:"


Wonder what the specs will be for the next gen cross port ?


Aside from Oblivion (which wasnt running well at all at the time) I dont think I've seen any of the cross port 360/PC games.


Oblivion? Have you seen it anywhere then? >_<


Specs Oblivion BTW;



3 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor

1 GB System RAM

ATI X800 series, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series, or higher video card


Minimum System Requirements:


Windows XP

512MB System RAM

2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor

128MB Direct3D compatible video card

and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver;

8x DVD-ROM drive

4.6 GB free hard disk space

DirectX 9.0c (included)

DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card

Keyboard, Mouse

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I got KOTORII on the Xbox same missing bits, but it did play through without a hitch.


Fuel for Telos, Criminals, Game-stopping Telos glitch, Game-stopping Onderon glitch, broken Force Powers, Crashes (look for the start of "Technical"... damn lot of crashing on the box)? Most of these are fixed for us PC gamers by Gizka... and you guys got nothing...


K2 patches were amongst the worst I have experienced. Then again, I don't recall having any show-stopper bugs EVER.


Yes. Kotor2's patch was a pain to install (96% anyone?) but you got to be lucky if the patching bugged out since 1.0B must be among the top 5 of worst patches ever. Funny, console port.... no-patches needed quality, no? :lol:"


Wonder what the specs will be for the next gen cross port ?


Aside from Oblivion (which wasnt running well at all at the time) I dont think I've seen any of the cross port 360/PC games.


Oblivion? Have you seen it anywhere then? >_<


Specs Oblivion BTW;



3 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor

1 GB System RAM

ATI X800 series, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series, or higher video card


Minimum System Requirements:


Windows XP

512MB System RAM

2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor

128MB Direct3D compatible video card

and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver;

8x DVD-ROM drive

4.6 GB free hard disk space

DirectX 9.0c (included)

DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card

Keyboard, Mouse



Stupid technology advancements!!! :ermm:

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By the time you got your patch I was already playing something else. Not a big deal.


Yeah Oblivion was on show just prior to the 360 launch , though wasnt particularly stable or smooth. It was supposed to be a launch title if you recall ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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By the time you got your patch I was already playing something else. Not a big deal.


Yeah Oblivion was on show just prior to the 360 launch , though wasnt particularly stable or smooth. It was supposed to be a launch title if you recall ?


I do recall. I actually stopped hoarding money to buy a 360 BECAUSE Oblivion didn't make the launch. I'm a Morrowind fan if you recall >_<

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I do recall. I actually stopped hoarding money to buy a 360 BECAUSE Oblivion didn't make the launch. I'm a Morrowind fan if you recall  >_<


Can't say I do.. :">


Have you changed your name ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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By the time you got your patch I was already playing something else. Not a big deal.


Yeah Oblivion was on show just prior to the 360 launch , though wasnt particularly stable or smooth. It was supposed to be a launch title if you recall ?


No wonder if it was released for the box 3 months before the PC version :("

And I already completed it twice (with the occassional needed reload due to stuckiness, crashiness) before 1.0B came...


Oblivion shown... on console, or PC? If on the console how can you say that the PC version would be extremely screwed?

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Oblivion shown... on console, or PC? If on the console how can you say that the PC version would be extremely screwed?


It was released same time as the PC version over here. Only the US got it in December. {KOTORII}


Well I'd assume it was the 360 version. No way to tell for sure since it was all locked away in a cabinet.


Where did I say the PC version would be extremely screwed ? What I said was what I saw was unstable and not smooth. Hence I was not in the least bit suprised when it got canceled as a launch title.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Where did I say the PC version would be extremely screwed ? What I said was what I saw was unstable and not smooth.


Maybe the low amount of power of a console?


And guess what, optimalisation of code happens late in the testing. Had a game and the FPS difference between "beta" and "retail" was about 20+


You based your opinion of the "high req." for the PC version based on the fact it had bad performance when you saw it...

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Maybe the low amount of power of a console?


And guess what, optimalisation of code happens late in the testing. Had a game and the FPS difference between "beta" and "retail" was about 20+


You based your opinion of the "high req." for the PC version based on the fact it had bad performance when you saw it...



Huh ?


Yes but if you have something on demonstration as launch title you want it to look good dont you ? I'd guess why thats why they have been at it for an extra three months (if this current date is accurate) because of the feedback from those pre launch demo's. We are talking at most two weeks prior to the planned release.


You posted the specs I didnt even know what the PC specs were remember. It's pretty obvious that a 360/PC cross over is going to need higher specs than an Xbox/PC crossover though isnt it.


I based my opinion on what I saw, your the one who decided it was some sort of anti PC thing.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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And I think your being an appologist for what is a huge issue. I'm clearly not cutting myself off from the hobby since I'm still gaming and have as much if not more fun than ever.


I'm not being an apologist. I find your accusations absurd, as you take a small amount of PC games and then say the entire industry requires patches. Most PC games do not have game stopping bugs. The only "fault" here is that you were gullible with respect to Bloodlines. I mean, what the hell were you expecting from a company that had only had buggy releases in all of its previous games. And you use this to stereotype the entire catalog of games. Genius!


As for being an apologist, I have already pointed out that I have acknowledge issues of patching (and cost and almost everything else) in PC vs console. The only reason why I'm adamant about yours is because this is a public forum, and your bitterness is spreading misinformation. Someone else might look at your posts and think that PC games all require patches, and all have gamestopping bugs.


Well waiting for two weeks before I can buy something definately qualifies as inconvieniant in my book.


Not sure how. You've already talked up your game buying habits, while at the same time talk about replaying your old games, yet spend most of your time not playing video games and hanging out with friends. You should get some sleep.


Dont forget we are not just talking about the time taken to patch the game. But also have to wait for said patch. If I said it took 2 weeks to patch a game thats rather longer than 5 minutes.


Maintenance teams are already getting better. Though you'll likely knock it, Empire at War had a patch out pretty much the day it was released. As for the "hassle," the autopatcher quickly downloads it and automatically installs it. You couldn't even miss it as the game mentions the new patch automatically when you load the game. Having said that, the game wasn't broken upon release, as I was able to beat the game without the patch. The reason why I didn't have the patch at first was because the demo didn't answer all of my questions with respect to how the galactic conquest worked, so I found a pirated copy. I liked it so I bought it.


When looking into it, there were some final tweaks and some issues for multiplayer that were missed. But I guess it's a bad thing that they supported their product so well. Too bad you'll never play the game, it's actually pretty fun.



Well clearly someone who waited and played a patched version would not encounter the problems that someone who didnt would. What is at issue here is should you have to do that. I dont think you should. You have obviously found a way to deal with the lack of quality. Which is to wait until a patch is available before purchase. I have found my own way , which is not to purchase at all.


I guess I should clarify (again!). I don't wait for patches for all games. Civ4, Half-Life 2, even KOTOR 2 were all bought almost immediately after (Half-Life 2 the day of). I get through the vast majority of my games without any problems, even if I haven't waited for a patch. When it comes to games like Bloodlines though, I exercised patience given Troika's track record. Though I ended up getting the game for Christmas and played it prepatch anyways. If it's a lesser known title, from a developer I am not familiar with, I typically wait. And not necessarily just for a patch, but to see if people think the game is any good.



It's pretty clear why people continue to purchase. Because they are either unable or unwilling to stop. Had I not discovered the pleasures of hassle free console gaming I would likely still be duitifully patching too.


Don't get too comfortable. Patches already exist for the XBOX, and with the PS3 getting HD support, it's going to be possible on that platform as well. I guess you can find solace in the fact that the HD will likely be optional. Though hopefully that still won't stop the devs from releasing a patch for some buggy games like Warrior Within.

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I have to say, the patches involved with KOTOR II have annoyed me to death, and my friends' experience with WoW talked me off of it,


The patches in WoW aren't "fix game stopping bugs" patches. Many of them are content patches, that actually add something new to the game (which is appreciated given the monthly subscription fee). Given the nature of the game (i.e. millions of people playing it), other patches have been introduced to address exploits that have been discovered, or other subtle balancing issues. So I'm not sure how your friend could have sold you off of it because of patching, unless he was confusing "Hey, there's new stuff in my game" for "OMG they finally added the bugged stuff that was 'missing' from the game" or some other nonsense. Unless he's one of those people that had fun manipulating an exploit to his advantage.


And while there may be many patches (actually there really haven't been that many), many of them are tiny, as in smaller than 1 MB. They don't come out with a new 600 MB content patch every day of the week.


And even then, it's when those 600 MB content patches come out that make me pick up the game again, since it's something new and usually fun.

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I'm not being an apologist.  I find your accusations absurd, as you take a small amount of PC games and then say the entire industry requires patches.  Most PC games do not have game stopping bugs.  The only "fault" here is that you were gullible with respect to Bloodlines.  I mean, what the hell were you expecting from a company that had only had buggy releases in all of its previous games.  And you use this to stereotype the entire catalog of games.  Genius!


As for being an apologist, I have already pointed out that I have acknowledge issues of patching (and cost and almost everything else) in PC vs console.  The only reason why I'm adamant about yours is because this is a public forum, and your bitterness is spreading misinformation.  Someone else might look at your posts and think that PC games all require patches, and all have gamestopping bugs.


You most certainly are. You acknwoledge that there are some serious issues, you even criticise me , because I wont wait two weeks to buy things just so a patch is available, like you admit you do for a lot of your purchasing.


Oh yes it's my fault that someone can't deliver on a decent product. Like I should have to change my gaming habbits to make up for their ineptness.


Really what misinformation ? Well they wouldnt if they read them because that isnt what they say. What they say in a nut shell is console gaming is more hassle free than PC gaming.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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You most certainly are. You acknwoledge that there are some serious issues, you even criticise me , because I wont wait two weeks to buy things just so a patch is available, like you admit you do for a lot of your purchasing.


He waits two weeks to see if it is good stuff. Do YOU buy everything you don't even know you may like. Do you just grab a pre-order form and X at everything while not knowing it might be fun?

Maybe the fact that most console games these days are sequels >_< makes it allitle easier to pick them... even if it thereby lacks originality?


And who ever said you need to wait 2 weeks before you can play a PC-game should play himself a PC-game who is freshly released; just to proof him/her wrong.

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He waits two weeks to see if it is good stuff. Do YOU buy everything you don't even know you may like. Do you just grab a pre-order form and X at everything while not knowing it might be fun?

Maybe the fact that most console games these days are sequels  >_<  makes it allitle easier to pick them... even if it thereby lacks originality?


And who ever said you need to wait 2 weeks before you can play a PC-game should play himself a PC-game who is freshly released; just to proof him/her wrong.


Depends, I've just rented black now. Not a game I would likely buy but probably more than worth a rental. Rentals are another aspect of console gaming which I find very benificial.


When it comes to RPGs though I do pretty much what you say. Scan the list at the start of the month, order anything that pops up on it. Fun is a very difficult concept to pin down. I've definately rented games that havnt been fun but aside from the instances I've mentioned where the faults have sucked the fun out of them.


I'd rather play new stuff myself. Trauma Center under the knife , pretty good example of new game.


As I already said I'm through playing stuff that has a high chance of having the fun sucked out because of techincal faults. What happens if the game dosnt work anyway ? Wouldnt that prove him or her right under your criteria ?

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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As I already said I'm through playing stuff that has a high chance of having the fun sucked out because of techincal faults. What happens if the game dosnt work anyway ? Wouldnt that prove him or her right under your criteria ?


HIGH chance? >_<

Loads of trumped up charges here ladies and gentleman! (not that that surprises anyone)


And let me tell you that most technical faults are the result of inept use of a PC; like overheating, messed up overclocking or an inability to update drivers when needed...

EDIT; Let's add virusses and spyware to the list...


And if a game doesn't work for said person; it tells more about the person than the game. If he hit an awfull ingame bug it would be an entire different case ofcourse...

Edited by BattleCookiee
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HIGH chance?  >_<

Loads of trumped up charges here ladies and gentleman! (not that that surprises anyone)


And let me tell you that most technical faults are the result of inept use of a PC; like overheating, messed up overclocking or an inability to update drivers when needed...


And if a game doesn't work for said person; it tells more about the person than the game. If he hit an awfull ingame bug it would be an entire different case ofcourse...


Well you know I play mostly RPGs right ? Just look at the record of PC RPG releases when it comes to bugs.


Sure they are.. And a patch obviously fixes those things dosnt it.

Seriously if that were the case then patches would be a complete waste of time since they would fix nothing. Although aside from the driver thats what causes most console problems ironic, isnt it?


You mean the awful in game bugs that patches are released to correct ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Well you know I play mostly RPGs right ? Just look at the record of PC RPG releases when it comes to bugs.


No, I don't... Tell me. Besides from Kotor2 (port) and that 1 game-stopping glitch in PS:T I have no real experience with Glitches in PC RPG's...

(Haven't played Troika games mind you... but I ain't basing a market on a single Dev. company)


Sure they are.. And a patch obviously fixes those things dosnt it. Seriously if that were the case then patches would be a complete waste of time since they would fix nothing...


Yup. These minor ingame glitchies these fix...

Do you wan't me to Ctrl+C and Crtl+V some Patch fix lists in this thread to show you exactly what a patch does, as you do not seem to get the idea?


Although aside from the driver thats what causes most console problems ironic, isnt it?


Funny you do trust consoles then and not PC's if they error on the same front; and the errors that are not from that are permanent issues on console; but not on the PC...


You mean the awful in game bugs that patches are released to correct ?


And who are SO extremely rare that I barely never see a patch for... >_< ; Odd that my pathces usually fix other stuff than yours suppose to do... even if you never play PC games and I almost only play PC-games

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