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PS3 costs Sony $800 ?


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Joseph Bulock, could you please tell our friend the ShadowPaladin the difference between QA-testing console games and PC games and what the result would be in both cases?


So you base your whole rant on the BUGGIEST game of 2005 made by the least competent coders in the whole industry?


No wonder you start acting like that then...  :("


I'd find that interesting. I expect other people would too.


No my whole rant is not based on Vampire. That was just the point where I gave up buying PC games.


I was playing PC and console games side by side for a very long time. But heres the thing. I'm playing consoles games and having no trouble, then I'm playing PC games and jumping through hoops to get them to work. The point came where I just couldnt be bothered to do that anymore especially with owning all three current gen consoles it's not like there wasnt a ton of stuff to choose from.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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No It's very annoying to be enjoying a game and then something go wrong. The name of the game escapes me right now , but it was Diablo like.I was playing that, got to a point where some invisible gate blocked the way (this was after several hours) couldnt continue. Duitifully looked for the patch , downloaded it and it corrupted my save.


Vampire great start, lots of potential. Games starts to slow down. Crashes in transition a couple of time, slows down some more. CTD's for no reason.


Now heres the question do you think I had fun with those two games ?


Sacred was the name of the game. And as for Vampire...look what happened to the company that made them.



Do I think you had fun with those two games? No. But I do think you're a tool if those two games is what caused you to completely sever your contacts with the platform. Perhaps a bit more patience with that platform's releases would have served you better.


How many people had fun playing Angel of Darkness?

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Oh I see.  And you're the only one that has access to these "friends?"  Seriously, did you honestly post this thinking that it wouldn't apply to me as well?  In any case, I'm the one that still plays the PC games.  You're just disenfranchised because you bought a game and it struggled out of the box.  Hope you didn't buy the GameCube version of Warrior Within.  At least the XBOX version could be patched.


I have the technical aptitude for patching to be a non-issue.  Sorry if you never really "got it."  I also have the patience, as waiting 5 minutes for a download typically isn't skin off my back.  I usually just frequent the forums until it is done.


Fortunately, with auto-updaters, my computer illiterate friends can easily patch their games now too.


I'd be suprised if it didnt apply to you to. Although I'm not sure I like the insinuation of "friends" because if thats what your thinking your way off the mark.


Patching requires technical aptitude, news to me. It's not that I cant patch games I just refuse to when there are alternatives that dont require the effort :(


Sacred was the name of the game.  And as for Vampire...look what happened to the company that made them.



Do I think you had fun with those two games?  No.  But I do think you're a tool if those two games is what caused you to completely sever your contacts with the platform.  Perhaps a bit more patience with that platform's releases would have served you better.


How many people had fun playing Angel of Darkness?


Thats the one :(


Well those are just two examples. The point is having been there a couple of times I didnt particularly feel like going there again. And like I already said I dont want to wait two weeks after release, I shouldnt have to anyway.


Very sorry if you think I'm being disloyal or something. But since I'm having hassle free fun there is little incentive to to change my current gaming.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I supsect you're just one of those "OMG OMG OMG I have to have this now" type.  In the future, you should make sure that there's no webcams watching you next time you're on the computer.

That's a clear case of a (staged) sugar-induced proto-coma, mixed with Windoze ...




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I'd be suprised if it didnt apply to you to. Although I'm not sure I like the insinuation of "friends" because if thats what your thinking your way off the mark.


Clearly you were surprised, as you seemed to think that since I "never" play games until patch, I would not be informed. And the reason that you would still be informed, despite claiming to never play PC games anymore, was because you had friends that still played them



Patching requires technical aptitude, news to me. It's not that I cant patch games I just refuse to when there are alternatives that dont require the effort :shifty:


You're the one that referred to it as jumping through hoops. You make this big deal about how it's an insane inconvenience to you. I could probably do it in my sleep. And the fact that I can explain to computer illiterate people how to patch their game (as was the case with my friend and NHL 06...well...he actually figured it out by clicking on the...<gasp>...."update button"), people are really overstating the complexity of the issue. Especially for someone that claims to have as much experience as you do. :lol:


Well those are just two examples. The point is having been there a couple of times I didnt particularly feel like going there again. And like I already said I dont want to wait two weeks after release, I shouldnt have to anyway.


Then that's your failure as a person. To be honest I have no beef with you being upset as being a bit burned. Obviously you have PC gaming experience, and if this is what pushed you over the edge, then I think you were just looking for an excuse to get out. Furthermore, given your already beefy gaming budget, it should be pretty much impossible for you to have to get every game immediately upon release anyways. :)


Very sorry if you think I'm being disloyal or something. But since I'm having hassle free fun there is little incentive to to change my current gaming.


I don't think you're being disloyal. I think you're being misrepresenting, trollish, and annoying. You have come across as "patch = broken, no matter what lalalalala I'm not listening" simply because a game didn't work out of the box. You've severed yourself from a hobby that I'm assuming interested you before, for a petty reason. I think you're being shallow, as well as judgemental when people talk about the issue. :)


The ironic thing is that in most threads, I do recognize PC gaming's place among console users, and even use the patching and price arguments against it. But your stance is way to extreme and absolute. Quite frankly, you sound like someone complaining because he didn't get his way. So much so that he rationalizes a complete boycott of a hobby he used to enjoy. You pass judgement on people, going so far as to make inferences about why they continue to purchase such games. The only reason why I'm arguing to such lengths is because the impression you are casting about the PC gaming situation is actually wrong. It sounds to me like you have to give yourself some sort of justification for not actually playing the games. All you had to do was say "It doesn't have the games I like to play." Because IMO if it did still have games you wanted to play, you'd still play them. :)




On a side note, I think you should read up on Civ4 a bit more. I suppose it's not to fundamentally different, in that there's civilizations, technology, and you build stuff.

Edited by alanschu
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Clearly you were surprised, as you seemed to think that since I "never" play games until patch, I would not be informed.  And the reason that you would still be informed, despite claiming to never play PC games anymore, was because you had friends that still played them


You're the one that referred to it as jumping through hoops.  You make this big deal about how it's an insane inconvenience to you.  I could probably do it in my sleep.  And the fact that I can explain to computer illiterate people how to patch their game (as was the case with my friend and NHL 06...well...he actually figured it out by clicking on the...<gasp>...."update button"), people are really overstating the complexity of the issue.  Especially for someone that claims to have as much experience as you do. :devil:


Then that's your failure as a person.  To be honest I have no beef with you being upset as being a bit burned.  Obviously you have PC gaming experience, and if this is what pushed you over the edge, then I think you were just looking for an excuse to get out.  Furthermore, given your already beefy gaming budget, it should be pretty much impossible for you to have to get every game immediately upon release anyways. :)


I don't think you're being disloyal.  I think you're being misrepresenting, trollish, and annoying.  You have come across as "patch = broken, no matter what lalalalala I'm not listening" simply because a game didn't work out of the box.  You've severed yourself from a hobby that I'm assuming interested you before, for a petty reason.  I think you're being shallow, as well as judgemental when people talk about the issue. :p


The ironic thing is that in most threads, I do recognize PC gaming's place among console users, and even use the patching and price arguments against it.  But your stance is way to extreme and absolute.  Quite frankly, you sound like someone complaining because he didn't get his way.  So much so that he rationalizes a complete boycott of a hobby he used to enjoy.  You pass judgement on people, going so far as to make inferences about why they continue to purchase such games.  The only reason why I'm arguing to such lengths is because the impression you are casting about the PC gaming situation is actually wrong.  It sounds to me like you have to give yourself some sort of justification for not actually playing the games.  All you had to do was say "It doesn't have the games I like to play."  Because IMO if it did still have games you wanted to play, you'd still play them. :)




On a side note, I think you should read up on Civ4 a bit more.  I suppose it's not to fundamentally different, in that there's civilizations, technology, and you build stuff.


Well clearly someone who waited and played a patched version would not encounter the problems that someone who didnt would. What is at issue here is should you have to do that. I dont think you should. You have obviously found a way to deal with the lack of quality. Which is to wait until a patch is available before purchase. I have found my own way , which is not to purchase at all.


Well waiting for two weeks before I can buy something definately qualifies as inconvieniant in my book. Dont forget we are not just talking about the time taken to patch the game. But also have to wait for said patch. If I said it took 2 weeks to patch a game thats rather longer than 5 minutes.


No thats their failure to provide a quality product. Or do you think a quality product is an unreasonable expectation ?


And I think your being an appologist for what is a huge issue. I'm clearly not cutting myself off from the hobby since I'm still gaming and have as much if not more fun than ever.


It's pretty clear why people continue to purchase. Because they are either unable or unwilling to stop. Had I not discovered the pleasures of hassle free console gaming I would likely still be duitifully patching too.


But as long as people continue to do so, there is little incentive to ensure as bug free release as possible since you can always patch it later and from reading your comments here you clearly dont mind.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I have to say, the patches involved with KOTOR II have annoyed me to death, and my friends' experience with WoW talked me off of it, but it's entirely possible there are games that don't have all the issues of these. That said, I do prefer my console games, and I will never spend the amount of money required to get a "Gaming Rig". And if Console gaming gets much more pricey, they'll lose my business as well. I have more important things, like classes, and upgrades to our house, and other such things that would be a smarter use of the damned money anyway. :(

Edited by SSgtSniper

And shepherds we shall be,

for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be,

In Nomine Patris, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti.

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Rob, what are you doing on here? :(


Rob's my boss, and he does exactly what you describe.

And shepherds we shall be,

for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be,

In Nomine Patris, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti.

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I have to say, the patches involved with KOTOR II have annoyed me to death, and my friends' experience with WoW talked me off of it, but it's entirely possible there are games that don't have all the issues of these. That said, I do prefer my console games, and I will never spend the amount of money required to get a "Gaming Rig". And if Console gaming gets much more pricey, they'll lose my business as well. I have more important things, like classes, and upgrades to our house, and other such things that would be a smarter use of the damned money anyway. :lol:


I got KOTORII on the Xbox same missing bits, but it did play through without a hitch.


Prices (of games) should drop when the other consoles hit the market later this year. The PS2 retail price was

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I have to say, the patches involved with KOTOR II have annoyed me to death, and my friends' experience with WoW talked me off of it, but it's entirely possible there are games that don't have all the issues of these. That said, I do prefer my console games, and I will never spend the amount of money required to get a "Gaming Rig". And if Console gaming gets much more pricey, they'll lose my business as well. I have more important things, like classes, and upgrades to our house, and other such things that would be a smarter use of the damned money anyway. :lol:


I got KOTORII on the Xbox same missing bits, but it did play through without a hitch.


Prices (of games) should drop when the other consoles hit the market later this year. The PS2 retail price was

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EA is trying to drop the price to $39.99 US.  I don't know if other games will follow this trend...


The price of 360 stuff ?


I think it's quite likely EA is a big player and publish a lot of stuff.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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K2 patches were amongst the worst I have experienced. Then again, I don't recall having any show-stopper bugs EVER.

Wha? Why? I never had problems with K2 patches.




Did you forget that long as delay on the patch and the movie/music upgrade after that? It was horrible. Some people had some real game stoppers too.


Though I played through the entire game without any patches, I was really disgusted by the performance issues. A engine that old should run moderately on a decent system...

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Did you forget that long as delay on the patch and the movie/music upgrade after that?  It was horrible.  Some people had some real game stoppers too.


Though I played through the entire game without any patches, I was really disgusted by the performance issues.  A engine that old should run moderately on a decent system...


Wonder what the specs will be for the next gen cross port ?


Aside from Oblivion (which wasnt running well at all at the time) I dont think I've seen any of the cross port 360/PC games.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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