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Posted (edited)
Ok I have all of the parts but the power cells. I do not know were to find they and i need help.


Lord Vader


P.s can i make a two bladed ligh saber :)  :devil:  :devil:  :thumbsup:  :(

On the Nar Shaddaa Docks. Start killing off characters in the rooms near Mira's room. You could complete their sidequests. :)

Edited by DarthMethos
ok thankyou but you did not answer my other question


Lord Vader



You'll get the final piece for your lightsaber on any of the four planets after leaving the Telos Academy, I think. Just follow the main quest and explore as you go.


When you have all the pieces, talk to Bao-Dur, and you'll be given the choice of single or double.



"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

Posted (edited)

Everyone gets the first piece either from the Ithorians, or the Czerka rep (the Rodian) on the Telos station (just before you leave).



Everyone also gets another piece after defeating Visas, once you have left Telos, and have landed on another planet, and are sufficiently light or dark (must have triggered the movie showing where she senses you). Just leave the Ebon Hawk, and re-enter the Ebon Hawk, and you'll trigger her spawning.


The third piece can be found at any number of places, on any of the planets. The easiest way to get a saber is either on Dantooine or Nar Shaada.


If Dantooine: Clear out the enclave sub-level, and either rescue Jorran, or kill him. If you kill him immediately, you'll get the third part right away. I would hold off on killing him, though, since you can simply meet him up in the salvagers' camp and buy the third part, and possibly some other upgrades, for 1000 credits.



If you still need to find a color crystal, talk to the lady selling the Jedi artifcats in the salvagers' camp. She always has several color crystals for sale.


Bring Bao-Dur into your party, and talk to him. Ask him if you have everything, and he'll say yes, and you'll be given an option as to whether you want to build a single bladed or double bladed saber.


Also, while in the enclave sub-level, tamper with the will that you found on the salvager's corpse. Bring the tampered will to Zherron (captain of the guard in Khoonda), and you'll get a whole lightsaber, and some more upgrades. A couple of DS points, but don't worry about that at all, since it's a small shift.




If Nar Shaada, the quickest way to get a part is to go to the docks, and to the flophouse. Have a stealth generator equipped, and enter the first room you see, and you'll overhear a conversation about Vogga's horde. Leave the area, go to the cantina, and buy some juma juice.


Then, talk to the Twilek in the bar, and ask him about dancing for Vogga. If your character is male, have the Handmaiden in your party, and she'll agree to dance for Vogga. If you're female, you can dance for him yourself. Once you put Vogga to sleep (simply by dancing), then click on the kath hounds' bowl, and pour the Juma juice into the bowl, and they'll fall asleep as well. Open the door, and you'll find the third part.


Edited by Unabomber
Posted (edited)

As in right when you start the game earlier? :shifty:

Edited by DarthVala



"Great intelligence usually goes hand in hand with great stupdity."


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-Sibilati retrorsum sibilamus

As in right when you start the game earlier? :thumbsup:


Lightsabers can be hand to have in space mines... ;)

I also carry modded blasters, and have all of the handmaiden's hand-to-hand powers as well... :thumbsup:



"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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