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Gothic question


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After reading some of the affection that some members here have for this game, I'm gonna play it.


I've done some looking around and come up with Gothic 2 and Gothic 2 Gold, which contains the expansion pack along with the original Gothic 2 game. The problem is that some players seem to have problems with something called Starforce. It seems to be some sort of copy protection program that creates havoc with some computers.


I would like to play the game with the expansion but I'd consider playing without if it means avoiding potential problems. So how great is the expansion pack? Does it warrant the risk?


Also can anyone provide me with a online retailer that sells Gothic 1 for a good price?



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I would recommend that you download a properly cracked copy from a reputable releasegroup that has starforce removed, not just a cloned CD or similar. I only kow that my HDD broke sometime after installing a legal copy of G2



Now the game itself, there are worse RGPs out there and if youre really bored.. go for it.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Don't risk Starforce unless you absolutely cannot live without the game. No telling if your computer will handle it fine (as some do), or screw up in all sorts of ways (as many do). That, and the official "removal tool" they released doesn't even remove everything or fix the problems in most cases.


Besides, they are a company that denounces everyone that reports problems as eith 'crackers' and 'pirates', or idiots that just don't know what they are doing. Starforce should be kicked out of the industry soon enough as rootkit was, unless we're rather unlucky.

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Gothic 2 doesn't use Starforce. Neither does the expansion.


I bought my copy of Gothic from the UK (Amazon) but I haven't been able to find the Gothic 2 Gold yet, at least not in Sweden. Those who have played it usually think the game is better with the expansion (even though it's still unpolished) because it's even more difficult, bigger and more diverse.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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