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Iranian leader denies Holocaust

Delta Truth

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1.it is an error. jews like to think of themselves as a 'people', but they're not. they're just semites. just like the palestinians. religion doesn't make you special, sorry...

according to who, you? you get to be the ultimate arbiter are who gets to claim what heritage. i'd like to see you stand before a non-practicing jew and tell him/her he is not a jew.


pretty incredulous claim there. pretty foolish as well, to make such ill-informed statements without anything other than... oh yeah, your opinion. highly regarded as it is, too.


2.it doesn't matter if palestinians have a common lineage or not. both the palestinians and the 'jews' are semites and decend from the semites who lived there thousends of years ago.

uh, now you don't make sense. by definition, lineage is where you descended from. in other words, if you descended from the same place, you have the same lineage. in other words, not all palestinians are semites... they come from different places.




jews is a subgroup of semites, as palestinians are. do you understand now? they both descend from the original semites who lived in that area prior to the founding of judaism. they're the same 'ethnicity'. only difference is religion and culture...


what do you mean the palestinians come from 'different places'? they, like the jews, descend from the semites who lived in the area in and around palestine thousends of years ago. just because they spread out afterwards, doesn't mean they don't descend from the semites living there first...

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Yes, but linguistic or ethnic, it sure as hell isn't a race. Lord, I hate the very term. Folks are so mixed up that it isn't funny. Even Thucydides identified the problem with claiming purity. People have been invading each other, intermarrying between tribes, and otherwise mixing up genetic material for so long before written history that it doesn't make any sense to claim that strong a tie to the land for either side.

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Yes, but linguistic or ethnic, it sure as hell isn't a race.  Lord, I hate the very term.  Folks are so mixed up that it isn't funny.  Even Thucydides identified the problem with claiming purity.  People have been invading each other, intermarrying between tribes, and otherwise mixing up genetic material for so long before written history that it doesn't make any sense to claim that strong a tie to the land for either side.


That is as good a reason as any ignore any argument about who invaded where in the what ever ages.

The idea of a Jewish homeland was being debated at the turn of the twentieth century. In the last 100 or so years there have been many factors that have contributed to the current situation and tbh blame can be laid almost everywhere in equal measure.


Now the most important issue is to somehow get the arab nations to peacfully co exist with Israel. Obviously this is difficult and complicated, but what certainly isnt needed is a potentially nuke enabled nation to start spouting anti-israeli rhetoric.

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Yes, but linguistic or ethnic, it sure as hell isn't a race.  Lord, I hate the very term.  Folks are so mixed up that it isn't funny.  Even Thucydides identified the problem with claiming purity.  People have been invading each other, intermarrying between tribes, and otherwise mixing up genetic material for so long before written history that it doesn't make any sense to claim that strong a tie to the land for either side.



well put. :p

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