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I am on my third play through(LS female, again) and I talked to Kreia about her history, and I got shown cut scenes of what happened to her on Malachor V...


Has anyone else had this? It was a bit of a shocker...Kreia-uncovered :ph34r:


Anyway, I am hoping to get more info from her, it is interesting to see exactly what happened to her in the past, although, strangely, in my last two play throughs, I never got anything from her. Incidentally, I have lost ALL influence with her, I must be in the minus tally with influence scores there :wub:


1. That movie is a well known one


2. Influence at it's lowest also allows her to spill her story; So you must have done something horribly wrong (like both gaining and loosing influence all throughout the game)


I did, ah wonder, if it was a well known one :">


As in regards to the influence factor with her, I seem to gain, and loose influence on a regular basis...although, thinking about it, I did tell her that I thought that she was lying at one point, I guess that didnt go down well with her :wub: ... I also will not compromise my LS points for her too


And Kreia isn't that happy with most Darkside acts anyway, she likes manipulation, whether is light-side, dark-side, or neutral doesn't matter to her. She mostly cares about indirectly getting the job done, she does this throughout the game. Hanharr going after Mira, Nihilus attacking Telos and indirectly Atris, and so on.


Yeah. Kreia likes you to value her teachings and opinions, and also to mistrust her and everyone else.


You get the 'you're lying' option if you have high awareness when asking about Atris and the Council mentioning her. It doesn't affect influence.


Hold no loyalty or trust for anyone. Be willing to use and drop any given person, including her. Crave power.


I'm surprised that you gain influence with her on Korriban for saying that nobody is below redemption. Sounds too lightsided for Kreia.


Essentially, Kreia is DS. She just doesn't believe in going to extremes. 90% of her influence is gained through mildly DS responses and actions.

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