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Hi there, I'm new here.


Anywho, to get straight to the point, I'm on the Ebon Hawk, just having landed on Dantooine for my meeting with the Jedi Council, and whenever I leave the ship, I get a black screen with the cursor showing. No load screen, nothing, only background sound effects. Insofar as tech specs go, I'm running the following:


Win XP

Athalon 3200+

Raedon 9550

1 GB Dual Channel DDRam

Soundblaster Audigy Value


I've tried loading previous saves, but the same thing keeps happening. I'm also using the most recent update for KotoR2, but I'was experiencing the problem before I updated and hoped the patch might fix it.


Any help would be appreciated.






Well, I don't think there is an immediate cut-scene that plays there, and you've been to Dantooine before. Honestly, I'm a bit stumped by this bug.


You can also try turning off various visual effects one by one, and then try leaving the Hawk. Also try flying somewhere else and then coming back to Dantooine.


Edit: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...75entry389175


It seems you are not alone in this problem.


It works fine everywhere except Dantooine. Dxun, Korriban, Telos and Nar Shadda all load without issue when I go there.


Ah well, maybe a reinstall will work. Who knows?


Thanks again, though.


Try cheating yourself out of the plane.


How to enable cheats


U.S. Version:

Find the file called "swkotor.ini" in your Knights of the Old Republic game folder. The default location is:

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\swkotor2.ini


Open the file with Notepad and under the line [Game Options] add the following line:



International Versions

Find the file called "swkotor.ini" in your Knights of the Old Republic game folder. The default location is:

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\swkotor2.ini


Open the file with Notepad and under the line [Game Options] add the following lines:


Enable Console=1


Then open the console (~) (NOTE: Invisible) and use the code:

Warp 602DAN


All codes are stolen from http://www.starwarsknights.com so don't blame me if it doesn't work :o

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