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Interesting. It's nice to see the open relationship. What's Sarah think of your Mom? :lol:


(funny story, I have a friend of mine that works at her local Boston Pizza, and I guess she had two lesbians making out in her section, and the table of young guys staring in fascination....she said it was an "interesting" day at work :D)


And Hugh does have that rugged handsomeness!



Here's a picture of me :cool::


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That's me in disguise!


But seriously I have quite a resemblance to Tobey Maguire, especially when I have my hair short. I don't usually see it, but the picture I posted there seemed quite accurate. I could totally see that expression on my face too!!


All my friends and coworkers would always bring it up, and my basketball buddies would sometimes refer to me as "Parker" while on the court. Whenever I made a nice play I attributed it to my Spidey senses :lol:


I knew things got bad though, when a little kid in West Edmonton Mall pointed me out to his mother saying "Look mom! Spiderman!"


hehehe :)

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This is me.




I look so much like Eric Stoltz that a waitress in SoCal asked me for an autograph. Look at pictures of him with long hair, and that's what I look like with long hair. When I shave, I look like him shaved. When I have a goatee, I look like him with a goatee.

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We're both famous!!


I also had a coworker that looked like Harry Potter, and he was really made fun of by the guys in the kitchen (along with me).


However, we were able to successfully turn it around on them because I never heard any of the waitresses talk about them, just the two look-a-likes. That put things in perspective. One guy looked a bit like Edward Norton, but not enough to make fun of him (plus the young staff probably didn't know who Edward Norton was).


Some of the waitresses looked like famous people too. One was a dead ringer for Hilary Swank, and another had quite a resemblance to Ashley Judd. There was also one that looked like a younger Britney Spears (young as in before she went wacko and started with the insano makeup and whatnot). I asked her out, she said no...my heart was crushed :D

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He's on house arrest however, so you have to go over there to have jungle loving.


Sarah is also a huge fangirl of Ewan MacGregor.


In random conversation if anyone says the word Pen1s, she will start mentioning movies where Ewan shows his tackle and bait.

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Nah, she already had a 6'7" boyfriend, and was probably too much of a ball-buster for me :p


Britney Spears had a bit less flamboyant personality, and was all in all a very sweet person. Ashley Judd was very outspoken, and would rip your heart out if she felt it was necessary. For the most part she was nice and fun, but whoa....you didn't screw up her order without feeling her wrath....aieee!


Hilary Swank was also pretty fun, but I found her to have too many mood swings for my liking. The ones that interested me the most in a more "romantic" sort of way were the ones that seemed to deal with the stress of working in a restaurant in a unique, often times fun way.

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Nah, she already had a 6'7" boyfriend, and was probably too much of a ball-buster for me :p

Not a concern for Spiderman! :darque:

Ashley Judd was very outspoken, and would rip your heart out if she felt it was necessary.  For the most part she was nice and fun, but whoa....you didn't screw up her order without feeling her wrath....aieee!
Tell her to bring it on.
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I didn't even realise he was well known in North America.  How did he gain this following?


A little show called House. It's a medical drama, but revolves more around truly deep and complex characters. Also, the cases themselves are usually so strange it takes most of the show to diagnose it. But what really makes the show is none other than Dr. House, the funniest, most cynical, and possibly the most mind-numbingly complex character to ever grace the tv, played by, you guessed it, Hugh Laurie. Of course the show was struggling until it started coming on right after American Idol. Add the greateness of the show with the sudden publicity and you've got yourself a garunteed formula for instant fangirls. :wub:

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A British actor I like, the guy playing ancient vampire Victor in Underworld, can't remember his name though.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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It's the rugged handsomeness provided by said facial growth.


Another one of me:





There are many pictures where I don't see much of a resemblance between myself and Mr. Parker....but some of them are kind of creepy...almost like looking in a mirror.

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How could I forget Ed Harris....although he's starting to look a bit old even for me...he was in his 'prime' in the mid-80's/early 90's....



“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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