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~!~Suggestions For Kotor3~!~

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1. MMORPG ( some ppl might not like it, but HONESTLY the replay value would never stop ). You could pick between Sith-Jedi-Freelance WHATEVER! The highest level sith would be Sith Lords, and Highestlevel Jedi could be on a Jedi Council. I am sure that a MMORPG for Kotor would be the biggest thing in gaming HISTORY. I mean look at world of warcraft. One game that is just amazing! The gaming bus. already shows that MMORPGs( when made right ) are untopable. Now the downside to this is tiem in making the game. To make a GREAT storyline and a GREAT MMORPG would take more than a year or 2. But the reward would be more than enough. Your talking about Lucasarts, and Obsidian being known for making the best MMORPG in the world! To be a successful gaming bus. you need 2 be patient. That means NO rushing a game, and no overlooking little things. I know Lucasarts will tell when they want the game 2 be released, but barter as much as you can. I mean who is honestly making the game here?



2. GRAPHICS IS A MUST. ok now its a no doubt that the game will be made 2 be amazing because of XBOX360. But Honestly push it to the max. Make sure that people will say "Hey have you seen kotor3" "YEA, ITS AMAZING LOOKING". I dont have doubts that Obsidian will do their job on this



3. EXTRAS IN GAMEPLAY ( read all ). Now here is something that is a major need. Now look at Fable-Story lacked, but the Extras kept the game going. I mean you get scars, you can get tat's, and people act differently to your alignment. This is where Kotor3 can over pass the next Fable game. By making your character be able to get different hair, and being able to eat, and time and day changes, and AGE PROGRESSION. People actually do things. Or just lil things like that can be a OVERALL greater game. Ok now other extras i had in mind had 2 do with apprentices. Now im preety sure that Obsidian will do a better job on this, but honestly it needs 2 be pushed 2 MAX. What was a upset 2 me in Kotor2 was that from the begining of playing a StarWars game i wanted 2 be a Master and have an Apprentice. Now Obsidian did try to do this, but all you have to do is take a look at the movies and take examples from them. I mean when you get an Dark Jedi apprentice in Kotor3 they didnt change the way they acted AT ALL. I mean when i had handmaiden as an Dark Jedi apprentice she still got mad if i killed an innocent. That stuff jsut cant happen. I mean they didnt even change their dialog. No "yes master" or anything. A apprentice should be so defensive of their Master its freaky. They should bow, and show their respect. They should start 2 learn. You didnt rlly train ur apprentices in kotor3, all you got was extra dialog. And for some reason just from a simple convo they become your apprentice straight off. Their needs 2 be research on this, and i know if Obsidian packed down on this one thing it will make a HUGE difference. Now you need 2 have something where anybody can become your apprentice ( i know that might be tough, but just think it through ). That means that if say someone at a Sith Temple rejects someone for training than you take him for your own. This needs 2 be thought out 2 the max. I cant waste this much time on just this one thing, but apprentices NEED to be apprentices.



Lightsaber Hilts- basicly enough said. But this needs 2 be unlimited amounts. I know they prob wont do the unlimited, but there needs 2 be customized hilts 2 the max. Where you will rarely see someone with the same hilt.



THINGS THAT SHOULD BE ADDED- ok now there needs 2 be more training grounds for Sith and Jedi. Like Academy's, BUT the story needs 2 be so long that people can graduate and new ones are added DURING your time of play. Or not just graduate, but be sent to a different Academy. Say that you are a working to be Sith, and you enter an Academy and you are exp. enough and the Masters of the Academy wlould like you to take on a couple apprentices and train them as your own. Now that would be amazing. BUT you get to choose who to take! Not just they throw you anyone. You could pick the goodie goodie jedi apprentice, but you start to work on him and eventually he is an EVIL SITH! That would make any kid just smile that a game went this far to do this. Now like i was saying before this needs 2 progress. Like say you come back to the Academy to either drop off you apprentices and pick up new ones, or keep the one you had or STILL get a new one. In the end you could be training Elite Sith, or Jedi. BUT remember that students should graduate. So you come back one time and some kids arent there and new ones are.



THINGS THAT SHOULD BE ADDED#2- Looks should also progress. Now it shouldnt just be if your evil then you get Pale Wrinkly skin. I mean common i wanna be a sith, but i dont want 2 be ugly. Look at anakin. He looked angry all they time. In Fable if your guy was bad, then darnit he was bad. He would frown and look angery all the time. It shouldnt be that if your in a heated argument with someone all you guys do is shake your fist and then when its his time to talk all you do is nod your head and look away. Comon that is seld explainitory



THINGS THAT SHOULD BE ADDED#3- Robes....duh. Now we arent just talking about making the hoods come up ( WHICH IS A MUST ). It means that we should be able to take them off like in the movies. Look at Darth Mauls robe. Now when i saw the door open and i saw him look up slowly and i saw those evil eyes THATS how i want my guy 2 look. Like when anakin was leaving a room in Episode 3 and he turned his head and you saw those evil eyes under the hood SIMPLY AMAZING! Or when he is standing near the railing and looking out to the volcanos he looked like that he was in constant pain ( THIS ALSO WILL BE BROUGHT UP IN THESE SUGGESTIONS ). And his body stance was just awesome. Everything from his sleeves to his shoes needs 2 be rendered to look like the movies.



THINGS THAT SHOULD BE ADDED#3- Now this kinda has to do with the story, but look how anakin turned to the Darkside. It was a major event in his life. There should be something like this in Kotor3. Where its SO big that you can see tears and stuff like Anakin. I mean after watching the starwars movies it kinda felt like Kotor2 wasnt a true star wars story plot. Not to diss on the game tho. I loved it, but it could have been better, but now there is a new fresh start, and a whole new graphics engine.



STORY CHOICES- OK now honestly not everyone is gonna wanna be Revan or Exile. Some people who play this game ( lets say cause there friend says its awesome ) may have never played kotor 1 and 2. And for people to appreciate Revan or Exile is gonna have to know their past. And even down to lil things which they would have 2 play. So i dont rlly think you should be able to be Revan or Exile. There are good sides and down sides to it tho. I mean all the work you did in the last game doesnt rlly effect it. BUT the story would prob be better if you were someone new.





here is something i have come up with

Kotor1- better story

Kotor2- better extras( WHICH IS ALOT )


The key to this game is gonna be story!


now i have alot more suggestions but i went blank when i took a break for 30 minutes, but ill post sometime soon about the others.


sorry i didnt make it well thought out, and the titles may not match but i am just pumped, and i need 2 calm down cause the game wont be out for a while






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That's a pretty good list. I really would like to start off as a padawan and then slowly gain power in the force and lightsaber ablities. And I think that lightsabers should be much more customizable this time around, as well as robes. I also think that a master/apprentice storyline would be pretty cool.


And I hope that the devs do not close this thread. That KOTOR 3 thread that they keep telling us to feel free to participate in is getting very crowded. I think a fresh thread is needed. But this thread will most likely be moved to the Obsidian General discussion portion of the forums, at least according to crazyjoe's sticky.

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stewart Mill--


"Victory was for those willing to fight and die. Intellectuals could theorize until they sucked their thumbs right off their hands, but in the real world, power still flowed from the barrel of a gun.....you could send in your bleeding-heart do-gooders, you could hold hands and pray and sing hootenanny songs and invoke the great gods CNN and BBC, but the only way to finally open the roads to the big-eyed babies was to show up with more guns."

--Black Hawk Down--


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