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Downsized by the time the Clone Wars era happened. All massive superpowers will have to do that eventually otherwise they would backrupt their country/interstellar empire. :)"


This was a different Republic. The one in this game collapses around the time where Bane took the Darth title I believe. Some time after this one collapses, the new one if formed.


Palpatine: I will not let this republic which has stood for a thousand years be split in two.


Only a thousand for that one, so the Newer republic had no Republic army. They didn't need one either, they just did coilitions with other planets armies I guess.


Yet I believe Obi Wan mentions the Old Republic stood for a thousand generations in Episode IV.


An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand

generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice

in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.


Don't tell me Lucas screwed up his own continuity!


Or more so they don't both exist in the same continuum. The Kotor Republic is that of the EU, a timeline that includes the movie as its linchpin, but really can go into drastically stupid directions from there.


Then theres the movies, and nothing that has happened in the EU has happened in the movies. Its like a different plane of star wars reality.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


The movies have a Republic with no military, and it states the Old Republic of the prequels lasted for 1,000 years. The movies then say the Old Republic lasted for 1,000 generations.


I'm talking about one movie contradicting another movie. Both are cannon. Neither are EU.

The movies have a Republic with no military, and it states the Old Republic of the prequels lasted for 1,000 years.  The movies then say the Old Republic lasted for 1,000 generations.


I'm talking about one movie contradicting another movie.  Both are cannon.  Neither are EU.

The OT is cannon.


The NT is just a CGI dream that passed through Anakin Skywalker's brain as the electro-chemical charge dissipated from his neurons in RotJ. (This will all be made clear when the cut scenes are added for the 30th Anniversary Super Speical Revisionist Remake Blue-LASER-DVD Director's Hernia Gift Set.)


As it is a dream, it has sugar-coated the entire experience so that we see only Anakin's subjective egocentric view of the universe (and it has lost a little historical accuracy as a consequence).


Actually, Anakin's mother was a sex slave of Jabba the Hutt, and he grew up as a peasant digging in mud and f





one way to look at it:


yes, the Old Republic is older than 1,000 years but, until the time of Darth Bane, it was really more of a feudal system that pretended to be a Republic. After the demise of Darth Bane, a "true Republic" system emerged and the Jedi kept the peace....no need for standing armies during that time.


^^but you'd only say that if you were looing at it from an EU perspective. As far as the movies go Darth Bane is one of the marshmellow shapes in Geonesian Charms, a popular kids breakfast

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

^^but you'd only say that if you were looing at it from an EU perspective. As far as the movies go Darth Bane is one of the marshmellow shapes in Geonesian Charms, a popular kids breakfast

Is he higher or lower on the marshmellow pecking order than Mr Staypuft? :-




^^but you'd only say that if you were looing at it from an EU perspective. As far as the movies go Darth Bane is one of the marshmellow shapes in Geonesian Charms, a popular kids breakfast

Lucas has mentioned Darth Bane directly in interviews, and Darth Bane originated in the Episode 1 novelization. Terry Brooks said Lucas invented Darth Bane, and explained the concept to Brooks to be put in the novelization.


If you're making up a precedent of cannon, the movies come first, with the novelizations of the movie coming in at second.

^^but you'd only say that if you were looing at it from an EU perspective. As far as the movies go Darth Bane is one of the marshmellow shapes in Geonesian Charms, a popular kids breakfast

Is he higher or lower on the marshmellow pecking order than Mr Staypuft? :thumbsup:





People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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