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The scene with Visas I got on the Ebon Hawk, but I was able to trigger it as often as I liked on the Ravager as well, to an extent. All the same dialogue was there if I talked with Visas on the Ravager. She would then say we should look at each other, but then I didn't get the brief scene of us actually meditating like I got on the Ebon Hawk.


has ne one gotten kreia to mention that romance between your charater and handmaiden cannot go on as you have to go after revan? its just even i unlocked the seen after i fought atris about how she expressed more or less her feelings for me (brianna im talking about)




Okey, I just know that I'm in trouble but I just need to hear my sentence.


Statement: I got Handmaiden at Telos, talk to her a lot, got on the Ebon Hawk and had a fight with her that I won (basic moves or something), a then face Visas and was a true gentlemen with her (got her to say that she will sacrifice herself to keep me safe, etc), Handmaiden comented to me that she thought that "that Sith" was nothing but trouble.


I then did what (I just now) to be the kingsize mistake of getting the 2 together when I went exploring to Nar - Shardar... I really blow it with Hnadmaiden didn't I??



Ps: Please excuse my spelling :rolleyes:


ya thats what i want. I mean visas seems to be a nice girl and all, but i want handmaiden and kreia to tell me that i cant have her...im in the same situation as you


Yea thats the one i got and then visas is like how does he look and handmaiden tells her and theyre all lovey duve but anyways does anybody know if you can switch the whole visas love thing into either handmaiden or mira?


It's exactly the same thing, if you're following the "love" ending.


She can't come with you, blah blah blah.


If you get her to hate you, she'll end up being bitter and mistrustful about Jedi.


I tihnk if you get her to like you, she'll stick with the Jedi path.


Of course, you could just read the dialog files...


Slighty off topic with the treads title

I have just been wondering, with Visa when do you get a diffrent dialouge options for her because all the time the only talking options I get get with her are the "Who is your master", "How was the your planet distroyed." options.

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