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I did a quick search of the forums, and couldnt find any mods for this bug.




Basically, even when I have a character with insane skills for demo, repair, or the relevant skill required for breaking down an item (around the 20's), all the components' breakdown values still remain at 1.



any mods to fix this problem?


Components recovered from breakdown of items depends upon the PC's repair skill, not the NPC using the workbench.


After getting Bao-Dur to the first workbench in the military base on the surface of Telos it is easy to get his repair skill to 15 (even if you use the recommended skill point distribution he won't be far off).


A repair skill of 15 is the "sweet spot": it gives you a 100% breakdown efficiency. An item that takes 10 components to make will break down to 10 components at this level. Preventing the use of Bao-Dur to do this so early on in the game seems to be a conscious design decision.


Someone did post that it is possible to get around this by switching to the character whose repair skill you want to use, and the going into solo mode whilst using the workbench. I haven't tried this, however, so I can't comment as to whether or not it works.

"We were hoping we could bring the Xbox platform into December but didn't want to make the formal announcement until we knew an earlier ship date would not compromise the quality of The Sith Lords," says Producer Mike Gallo.

That is strange, because at times, I have been able to use the other characters to breakdown itmes, using their different skill levels, like atton for repair, mira for demo, etc. or Mine with my insane healing abilities on Nar Shadda.


The bug at times doesn't allow for that....even with my Exile Character's high healing rate, sometimes the medical supplies I break down will only yield me a value of 1


It has been reported many times that the PC's repair skill is used to break down at workbenches, but the current PC/NPC's skill is used to create at workbenches. Some simple items will only ever yield 1 component, whatever your repair skill.


A brief cast around for information led to a couple of interesting tid-bits:


Some workbenches don't seem to work this way at all. An archived post from gamebanshee suggests that some workbenches use the current PC/NPC's skills for both break down and creation. I don't know if this is true, or it is linked to areas where the PC isn't a member of the party, the solo-thing or something else entirely.


Lab stations don't seem to work this way at all. Break down and creation use the current PC/NPC's skill.


I don't know what to make of this. I would like to think that the workbench limitation is by design to balance the system and lab stations don't work the same way simply because they are much less important.


On the other hand, maybe there is a bug behind this. No dev has ever commented. Or, maybe, it is consistent and we're just seeing something that isn't there...

"We were hoping we could bring the Xbox platform into December but didn't want to make the formal announcement until we knew an earlier ship date would not compromise the quality of The Sith Lords," says Producer Mike Gallo.

Yeah I dont know. The sloppy finish or lack thereof of this game makes me suspect this is either a bug, or something underdeveloped. DAMN THE PROFIT INCENTIVE AND SCREW ECONOMICS EQUILIBRIUM DAMNIT!



STupid Lucas arts.....

Yeah I dont know.  The sloppy finish or lack thereof of this game makes me suspect this is either a bug, or something underdeveloped.  DAMN THE PROFIT INCENTIVE AND SCREW ECONOMICS EQUILIBRIUM DAMNIT!



STupid Lucas arts.....



From what I've seen this is deliberate and only happens at a few workbenches...

like the one in the Sith Tomb on Dxun

, usually where the Exile doesn't happen to be in the party.


Try another bench?


I am convinced it is a bug - I tried it again. On the Same bench one moment I will be able to break down items normally, but when I go back to it, all the values revert to one.

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