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In the docks of Nar Shaddaa while I have search all the map I haven't found a way to enter the area above the floophouse. The map indicates an area there but the two doors aren't accessible. If anyone knows how I can gain access please relpy me.




This area is not accessible during normal gameplay (cut content) and there is nothing behind save empty rooms and a container with a few random items in it.


You can get this small script here that I made and that will open the doors: http://www.pcgamemods.com/10702/


or you can get my "Whereami Armband: Coordinates extractor, object lister, door opener" that will allow you to open any door in the game from here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php (second link)



Note that there is also an extra bar on NarShadaa that doesn't appear on your map: it's located right behind the Trandoshan near Tienn's place. Here is a joke mod I made with friend that uses this bar: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=148307 (since it was made for another modder's birthday, many things will not make sense for someone who doesn't know the persons)


...of course, this is for PC only or modded xbox


There is also another inaccesible door in the Imperial Palace on Onderon, and I beleive that there are 1 or 2 in other locations as well.


DO the West Cells and Meditation CHamber in the Trayus Proving Grounds actually exist, or are their labels just remnanats of an earlier, scrapped version of Trayus Academy?


There was also a stormbeast pen in Trayus Academy, you could access it, but there was no stormbeast, I was always intruiged as to what was supposed to happen there, never mind though I suppose, roll on KotOR3.

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