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Anyone here have experience with the A8N-Deluxe motherboard? I'm troubleshooting a problem with my CPU fan; it may not be working fast enough because of something the BIOS is doing? I've disabled Q-fan and cool n' quiet, of course, but maybe I need to manually underclock the cpu or something? I don't know.


Or it may just be that it's broken. I'm not sure why that would make it rotate WAY too slowly for the CPU to properly be cooled.


Absolute max RPM is 5000. Usually around 3000. Mind you, the computer is pretty idle; not even an operating system running yet, because it always shuts down before that point from overheating. Max temp, and this was the millisecond it shut down, mind you, was 96 C. Which translates to about 200 degrees F. I sort of wonder if my CPU isn't already melted.


I'm beginning to wonder if there's something weird about the power outlets in my house... 3 out of 5 computers have had serious issues, now.

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Wow, 200F! well i would try to do a trade in for a Different drand, coolermaster, antec, zalman all make pretty good fans. and reset your BIOS afterwards also. checking the manufacturers website for both the fan and motherboard would be wise. I haven't had any troulbe with my equi[ment and i have the same Motherboard. what type of CPU fan is it?

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I've got a Coolermaster Aero V+ on my 2500 Athlon. Between it, and the fans bringing air directly from the outside of the case to the intake on the CPU fan, the CPU generally stays around room temperature at stock speeds. I have to say I'm impressed. :thumbsup:

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I sort of wonder if my CPU isn't already melted.


I'm beginning to wonder if there's something weird about the power outlets in my house...  3 out of 5 computers have had serious issues, now.


If the CPU isn't toast, you have the A8N mobo to thank. I own three of them, and the only problem I've ever had is a failed DIMM that prevented one machine from starting. Because of the architecture, that's a system-stopper.


A processor sizzles within seconds without proper cooling. I'd try replacing the CPU fan assembly and invest in a good UPS/line conditioner if you suspect problems with your AC power (electrical power is prone to constant power drop-offs that can seriously affect the life of your components). Also be sure your machine's power supply isn't overloaded or failing.

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This is what I would do:



1. Make sure everythings in place, then reset the motherboard to factory settings and try again. If that doesnt fix it:


2. Manually connect the fan(use loose wires and whatever PSU you got lying around) and check if it works, if it doesnt, its broke. If that works:


3. Use a voltmeter to measure that the PSU is providing enough power to the motherboard. Connect black and green to hotwire the PSU into starting without being connected to the mobo.


4. Claim the warranty on the motherboard for a new one.

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