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Dialogue Skips...please respond

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I am going to report that when i puruse a dialogue...for instance im on the interlude part of Ebon Hawk after obtaining the handmaiden...

When i go to speak to either spike head boy, Kreia, or handmaiden...the dialogue skips imidiately after i select my option.


Im familiar with this bug but just could use a new tip...restarted my game countless of times and even restarted to a previous save.


Also this bug happened while on Telos.


I do admit to using the KOtor gamesave editor...but i have not extremly modded my character. In fact i dont think it should affect the dialogues at all.


Ive been to a lot of forums.... i just need some tips.



Im bothered by this because i cant hear what the hell they are saying. :wub:


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the super fast dialog tends to be something to do with the enhanced speed skill (maybe even +speed stimulant things in the game as well).


if the dialog doesnt immeadiately skip to the end of the options i do not know this bug:\

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The cause of the bag is, AFAIK, unknown. I've had it plenty of times with no speed on. However, in my case, it only seems to occur after playing the game for several hours. The best I can suggest is to save it often and then exit the game completely and reload the last save when it occurs.


If that doesn't work...wait for the patch. It was fixed in KotOR's second patch, so even if they didn't have the good sense to go through the buglists of KotOR 1 before release, hopefully they'll fix all those issues in the patch.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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Oh, my. You are my bros. I came and read all these small letter for this long just finding this to my problems.


I would do anything to kill the skipping parts. They just trying to turn me into a speed reader.


I can now recognize everyone appear in the motion pics when it skips. I don't want this skill, though. In fact I can read books by just turn flashing the pages over, now. Thanks Obsidians.

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