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KOTOR I or II fanart

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That is good. No laugh from me here, well, maybe just a small grin... :thumbsup:



Perhaps some wider shoulders, a slightly less pointy nose and ears, and a manly haircut... ;)


Teehee! Your honestly is much appreciated. Well, I'll rename the pic then.

It's Carth considering a gender change and he started to take estrogen shots already...


You are so right though. I'm drawing Talia next :D




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Yay! Carth ;) *fangirl squeal*


Good effort Saraya! Carth is so lovely that no matter how anyone draws him, I'd still love him :wub:




P.S. I giggled, but I think that was fangirl... :thumbsup:


P.P.S. Carth would never go on oestrogen shots! Never! Never ever!


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:"> I didn't mean it in a bad way, Saraya.



I only meant he looks more like adolescent Carth. (But then he must have been wearing a fake beard.) :thumbsup:


I know! I was just joking around :D And I'll go for the fake beard...





EDIT: I know he wouldn't Launch, but I had to say something to justify the girly way in which I depicted him... :">

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Edit: Make sure to notice the crappy "Try and clean it up with Photoshop" on his arms...

I soooo crack myself up...:D

Hey, thats what photoshop is for :) . I clean up my pics a bit too, after I scan 'em.

Anyway, I like you work, keep at it! :devil:


:D The curvature of arms and shoulders is really realistic. Is that his red jacket?

Can you give his uniform a collar? He looks a bit too exposed for an officer. :">


:huh: I don't know if you were referring to my pic or Saraya's...

I drew him that way because this is a KOTOR era pic. Carth as an officer would make a rather boring image, I think. :lol:


PS. I think I'll try Bastilla next. I'll see if I can get to it tonight...

Heck, if I have time, I might even color it, but that would take time... :shifty:


EDIT: Wow, there are way too many smilies in this post ;)

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:D The curvature of arms and shoulders is really realistic. Is that his red jacket?



Can you give his uniform a collar? He looks a bit too exposed for an officer. :">


You're right, and I will add a collar. But for today and tomorrow I'm gonna bail on drawing men. And thanks about the curvature, if you meant my pic with it :D

Talia is next :D


To Sentry: Thanks for the compliment :D

Can't wait to see your Bastila!

And if it makes you feel better, I used an abundance of smilies myself :D




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Review: :wacko:  :(  :)  :thumbsup: 3/4



Constructive criticism: She holds the blade towards herself -- women. :wacko:


Yaaay! 3 out of 4 is too much for this one, but yaaaaay!

Eurhm, which means, thanks! The purple was intended to be winered but it scanned this way so...

My colors aren't really....steady it seems...





About the blade, she does indeed. Like I said, I'm still working on the perspective thing...

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mmm...allright, I'll put it up as soon as I can...

How would you like your wall?


first I have to picture how their stance will be behind the wall...and then I can draw them....and then I have to move them behind the wall.


It's all in the imagination :thumbsup: :D

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