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Am I the only person who...

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Guest MacleodCorp

Okay, yeah, the game engine is a cool idea. But the storyline stank to high heaven. Am I the only one who hated the story arch of everything. All the locations were deflated, and they had very little to do. Yeah, the graphics and some of the new changes to the engine rocked, but the whole story fell flat.


1. Telos - Nothing to do. (Big city with big empty places.)

2. Korriban - Nothing to do. (Very Short, and no good items.)

3. Peragous - Very Boring (I thought I would die before it was over.)

4. Duxin/Onderon - The only interesting part, but the story fell short.

5. Narshada - Large world, but nothing of interest.

6. Harbinger/Revanger - Nothing to do.

7. Malacore V - What a waste of a game.


I mean, the game engine and graphics are very superior, and were done with great taste, but the storyarch was so lame. I didn't feel like I accomplished anything by the end of the game.


Onderon should have been longer, and Duxin should have been shorter. When I got to Onderon I felt for a brief period of time that maybe the game was picking up, but wow when it was over, I thought I was cheated in my purchase. I don't know if I would buy a KOTOR III. I think I will have to wait and try a demo before I buy it.


What got me upset the most was: The NPC/PC relationship fell short way, way too early in the game. In some cases, to gain a high influence rate on Mira was trying to pull teeth. Visas, what happened here, after her short conversations, she stopped talking. After you complete a conversation, with any character, they just repeate, repeate, repeate, and there is nothing else to do for the rest of the game.


I played through the game several times trying to change things up, and nothing was gained. An empty ending with dullness.


If you are going to make a patch, maybe make Onderon longer, have the characters say more interesting and consequenctial things, and possibly open up the game, for it seemed to clastrophobic.


Many people disliked it. And instead of starting your own thread like everyone else did, be indivudialistic and go join one of their discussions. There are too many of these threads out.


But I'm replying to your "analysis" of the planets:


1. Telos - Nothing to do. (Big city with big empty places.)

2. Korriban - Nothing to do. (Very Short, and no good items.)

3. Peragous - Very Boring (I thought I would die before it was over.)

4. Duxin/Onderon - The only interesting part, but the story fell short.

5. Narshada - Large world, but nothing of interest.

6. Harbinger/Revanger - Nothing to do.

7. Malacore V - What a waste of a game.


1. I think that Telos was a pretty good planet. I haven't worked for Czerka ...yet. I'm going to do a DS playthrough sometime. And where are the "big empty places"? You pick up Bao-Dur here -- this place must have something good about it.


2. Korriban was a bit short and big obnoxious with all those tukata and Sith Assassians attacking every single moment. I skipped the caves my first playthrough, and I regret doing that. I did the caves my second playthrough and found them a bit amusing, and started laughing when Revan showed -- in full armor with helmet on. Plus he/she didn't speak... how creative.


3. Peragus was very long my first playthrough but once I started my second, it flew by very easily. You get Atton and Kreia here, (but Kreia is obviously unwelcome ^_^) you run around half naked, and you fight off the worst assassians I've ever seen. Pretty intersting place, but hard to believe the mining droids could overthrow the entire staff.


4. For me, Dxun was always somewhat of a bore, but now I've enjoyed it more after I've played it once now that I know what I'm doing. Plus you get Mandalore here, so no big deal. ^_^. Onderon was really annoying, especially the Dhagon Ghent stuff. When he said "I hope I don't ever see you again" I was gaping at the screen! I said, "WTF, I just saved you from prison, you moron!" But, alas, he couldn't hear me scream. I liked going back in the Basilisk war droid. In fact, the Sky Ramp was one of my favorite parts of the game as well as the palace.


5. Nar Shadda was always one of those long planets for me. I could compare it to Manaan in KotOR I. It's long, like Manaan. You go into lots of different areas and the city itself [Ahto City] is pretty big and is seperated by lots of loading screens. Nar Shadda is seperated by lots of loading screens and is absoutely huge. It's always taken me a really long time to complete Nar Shadda- at least1-3 days.


6. On the Harbringer, I was glad to find the hologram of Carth... made me think of the happy memories of KotOR I. ^_^. But the Harbringer served no purpose other than as just as an hour-at-the-most-time-filler.

The Ravenger was somewhat annoying -- setting off charges and running everywhere. But you killed Evil Tyrant No. 1 (1=Nihilius (I know that's spelled wrong), 2=Sion, 3=

Kreia/Darth Traya



7. Malachor.... took me FOREVER to find my way. I used the map cheat code and turbo to escape those shadow beasts. One almost killed me so just think of two. I equipped myself with a breath mask and ran to the Trayus Academy. Basically, lots of stuff was chopped out of Malachor such as HK-47, G0-T0, and Remote's little ending as well as scenes such as Handmaiden vs. Visas, Atton vs. Disciple, Atton's Death, and I'm guessing more but I can't be sure.


What got me upset the most was: The NPC/PC relationship fell short way, way too early in the game. In some cases, to gain a high influence rate on Mira was trying to pull teeth. Visas, what happened here, after her short conversations, she stopped talking. After you complete a conversation, with any character, they just repeate, repeate, repeate, and there is nothing else to do for the rest of the game.


I just downloaded KSE and adjusted Infulence as I pleased. Much easier.



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


Gaming Blog: Read

Yeah, my spelling stinks! But, I was also in a hurry. I had a lot to say. :lol:


As for the second response, it would seem like many, many, many people didn't like the storyline, so I am wondering why did they get awards?


Because you had to pay attention to get the storyline. I don't get it but I still love the game.



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


Gaming Blog: Read

As for the second response, it would seem like many, many, many people didn't like the storyline, so I am wondering why did they get awards?


And I could argue that many, many, many more liked the story.


No offense (this is a broad generalization, not directed solely at you) but the people who disliked the game seem to have this arrogance that their opinions are fact, just because they tend to be more vocal.


The fact is people who dislike something will be more vocal about it, and thus make it appear that they are in greater numbers. The proof of this is the number of "newbies" signing up since release to complain. They're the ones that either have had technical issues, or disliked the story. In contrast, someone who has enjoyed their experience isn't likely to sign up to a message board just so they can say "wow, what a great game!". Get my point?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

Guest MacleodCorp



The above link is the most active between the two. I didn't know where to put the thread. It belongs in the other forum. It contains spoilers and such.


In response to the posts found here:

The game won awards, but it should have not. Someone said, people who hated the game are arrogant and make it appear that there are more of us. Not true.


KOTOR II won awards for it's storyline, but many, many, many people didn't like the story. Many people, even myself, like the game engine, new graphic designs, and their attempt in making a "Sith" game. But, the story really was a dissapintment. Remember, alot of what we are saying is subjective.


You must also remember, people such as myself watched StarWars on big screen in 1979-1983. We were brought up with what made Star Wars what it is, and not what others have interpreted for us. KOTOR I, was a breath of fresh air into the Star Wars industry. KOTOR II should have picked up the tourch and ran with it; however, that was not the case. Most critiques, are poeple who were brought up surrounded by Star Wars this Star Wars that. Several of us long term fans are open minded to the new direction KOTOR I has brought to the franchise. I bet many of us wiched they made a movie based upon Bastilla and Revan. When it cam to designing KOTOR II, Obsidian did a great job in graphics, and rehashing the game engine. However, when it came time to create plots and subplots, you can't help but scense "Was George behind the storyarch"? Lucas's style changed in a direction, which was out of touch with long term fans. Evidence: Episode I and II. They lack the Star Wars spirit, for it was not an adult SciFi movie. Luke was about 18 when StarWars kicked off his story arch. Anakin was 12, which caused fans to have a hard time in relating to StarWars in the way they did so many years ago. When KOTOR I was created, Bastilla is 18-25 years of age, and she related to the fans. Now, KOTOR II, Kreia is 100 years of age, and out of step with the fans. Because of Kreia, I have a hard time playing this game more than 10 times.


There are other reasons why people didn't like KOTOR II, which can be found here:


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