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Dear Obsidian Entertainment,


I know you have been hounded by others to prepare a patch or expansion to The Sith Lords to replaced all that had been cut from the game and left us gamers deprived. I respect you for your work and applaud you on the game you have released, but I am not ashamed to say I am one of these people. However, for the time being, please read my plight.


I know it was your intention to release an awesome, stand-up game with the intentions of being equal (if not even better) than the first. I feel you came very close and I loved The Sith Lords. As a matter of fact I am playing it yet again for about the ninth time. Yet I cannot help but to notice that much of the work the writters put into the game was scrapped and - it seems - forgotten. Even though it almost made it into the finished game before it was rushed. The increased findings of the cut dialog on the PC version of the game is testament to this.


I think I have found a resolution.


On the game's official website you have a section known as "Chronicals". I enjoyed reading those as much as I do a well-written novel. I found out more about Revan than I would have otherwise. The fact that he was a Jedi Master (which raises a new question...who did he train to Knighthood), the fact that Jolee Bindo had many more adventures after K1, and the fact that Atris was, inevitably, responsible for the death of the Jedi at Katarr. I fell that the missing holes in The Sith Lords may very well be filled in by such a manner. If you were to have the writters of The Sith Lords write their own version of "Chronicals" to complete these stories, I believe many fans would be satisfied and actually gain more from them than they ever would have from the game.


It is just a thought, and I meerly one person with one opinion. Yet I felt I had to atleast make a stab at getting my opinion across. I appreciate your attention, and I wish you all great success many more games to come.



Jedi Master Dakari

"Learn to harness your anger and control your fear. Dominate your emotions! But do not let them overcome you; for they can surely cause you to fall to the dark side.

If you expect to win against a Sith then you need to fight like a Sith! If you do not, you will always be met with defeat."

-- Jedi Master Seraphis Dakari

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While K2 awesomely rocked, those chronicles (as Obisidian's No. 1 Exec. Feargy would say), "sucked Donkey balls".


Not only was it a spoilerific bonanza, but more importantly it was mired with gross continuity errors. Surely it wasn't written by talented writers such as the likes of Obsidian's MCA.


No, the stench is strong with those 'chronicles' - like the stink of burning flannel. Someone might want to check that the L.A. building is not on fire.



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While K2 awesomely rocked, those chronicles (as Obisidian's No. 1 Exec. Feargy would say), "sucked Donkey balls".


Not only was it a spoilerific bonanza, but more importantly it was mired with gross continuity errors. Surely it wasn't written by talented writers such as the likes of Obsidian's MCA.


I never implied doing an exact replica of the Chronicals. I disagree with you on the opinion that they sucked, but that's okay. I liked them though.


I only meant that on Obsidian's website or LucasArt's KotOR2 website that the actual Obsidian writers (the very ones who came up with and wrote the game) make something of that nature. Not the exact same, but almost similar to a novel where you can read small parts at a time.


PS: I do think that they could fix the gramatical errors and ALL-CAPS thing they got goin' on in the Chronicals though. :blink:

"Learn to harness your anger and control your fear. Dominate your emotions! But do not let them overcome you; for they can surely cause you to fall to the dark side.

If you expect to win against a Sith then you need to fight like a Sith! If you do not, you will always be met with defeat."

-- Jedi Master Seraphis Dakari

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