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82865G Graphics Problem

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Can anyone please send me a save game from the beginning of the game! Please! (specifically after the godam star wars intro which I have seen 15x and when the characters are on the ship!!)


If possible make the character


Jedi Guardian

14 Points in Strength

Toughness Feat

Name: Star Fayden


Whatever else to make it a regular character!




P.S. who needs an invitation for a gmail account? :)

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Well based on the title for the thread, He's using an unsupported graphics chipset. That there is his problem in a nut shell.



And before someone mentions that people with supported chipset graphics cards suffer from the same problems, it doesn't matter. He should not complain if he doesn't have the proper hardware.

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If this patch opens support for more video chipsets, I would be very surprised. I doubt they will because it most likely would envolve a code rewrite and no one wants to download a patch that large.


Do the smart thing and upgrade to a real video card or a better laptop.

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Sadly there's not much else you can do. Play around with other driver versions and disable movies and sound, but that's it. Remember that the card really isn't intended for gaming, and it isn't supported anyway. I think if the patch improves support for anything it will be for ATI cards and onboard sound cards.

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For those with laptops I hope a solution can be found but if you have a desktop you should really consider getting an actual 3daccelerator card, preferably with an ATI or NVIDIA gpu. They really would be much happier.

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Here'a funny thing...I've gone to my parent's house today, and I installed the game in my old desktop (almost 6 years old!) just to try, and it works perfectly, while in my brand new notebook wont work at all...Well I guess it's becouse I have nvidia Geforce 2 in my old computer...(damned Intel!)

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it's kind of funny, 3 months ago i replaced my nvidia card with an ati because the nvidia card was causing a lot of crash and freeze problems... now i'm swapping out the ati to put the old nvidia back in so i can play kotor 2 without the crash problems LOL... guess depending on what i want to do on a given day i have to first insert the appropriate vid card O.o I've also been having problems on the start movie, found if i quickly hit esc to skip it all is well and the other movies work ok though they stutter a bit. If I accidenatlly forget to skip the intro though I crash most times.... have managed to go through intro without crashing twice though... Well off i go to dig up my nvidia card ;p

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I've just tried to load an autosave as well as a normal one (which I have sent to myself from my old desktop computer), to no avail...so that possible workaround doesn't work on my notebook whith the Intel video card...It just crashes like when starting a new game.

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Don't expect miracles. I tried to get KOTOR running on an intel 845g once and the results weren't pretty. Pretty much exactly the same situation. It's possible that intel will release a driver update that makes the card compatible, but even if they do expect performance to be near unplayable. (I'm not really sure Obsidian will ever correct the issue - remember that it's unsupported hardware).

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