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well, well, after I report bugs to them.


They reply this to my e-mail....





Activision is providing all customer support for the International

versions of this title. LucasArts is only prepared to support the US and

Canadian versions. To contact Activision's Technical Support department

please direct all inquires to the following e-mail address:







blah blah blah and kick back my messages to me





Okay... I'll start all over again... Since they don't have a brain to think about how and what to do if their FOREIGN VERSION game have US, CANADIAN AND INTERNATIONAL BUGS !!!!



How suck, Lucas Arts crews. Now I can see why someone hate you so much.

I should know this before.

well, well, after I report bugs to them.


They reply this to my e-mail....





Activision is providing all customer support for the International

versions of this title. LucasArts is only prepared to support the US and

Canadian versions. To contact Activision's Technical Support department

please direct all inquires to the following e-mail address:







blah blah blah and kick back my messages to me





Okay... I'll start all over again... Since they don't have a brain to think about how and what to do if their FOREIGN VERSION game have US, CANADIAN AND INTERNATIONAL BUGS !!!!



How suck, Lucas Arts crews. Now I can see why someone hate you so much.

I should know this before.


What a pity activision support pages don't appear to know that the game exists.


It's all a crock ;)

What a pity activision support pages don't appear to know that the game exists.


It's all a crock 



YES!! I swear I didn't notice where's Activision's Logo on my CD's package!!! (Yeah. wherever it is. I can't see it.)

I did see such Lucas Arts' Logo!!!! Do you hear me!?!?!? LUCAS ARTS LOGO!!!!




Oh. I lost my nerves.



That's good they remind me of Activision. So I could buy Call of Duty Expansion today.


You know, that is a automatic reply ... dont bother to even contact tech support anymore since its all automated to send replys like that.

What a pity activision support pages don't appear to know that the game exists.


It's all a crock 



YES!! I swear I didn't notice where's Activision's Logo on my CD's package!!! (Yeah. wherever it is. I can't see it.)

I did see such Lucas Arts' Logo!!!! Do you hear me!?!?!? LUCAS ARTS LOGO!!!!




Oh. I lost my nerves.



That's good they remind me of Activision. So I could buy Call of Duty Expansion today.

Where I live, the game is distributed by EA and has there fingerprints all over the place, even the backsleeve of the "manual" :ph34r:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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