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Abandoned base on Telos

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Can you access the base sublevel in the abandoned base on Telos' surface. If so, how do you do it? I am working with the Ithoians. Also, after you tell Lt. Grenn about the prisoners escaping to Telos' surface, the quest stays active. Is there a way to get the criminals after the run out of Lorso's office, or is this a broken quest problem? Thanks :cool: !

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no, u can't access the sublevel of the abandoned base. It is the factory for the hk assasson droids. the cut scene when u leave the is very informitive, one hk says that your team invaded us!


for the other quest, u can just tell him that u killed them when u haven't.

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there is no way to access the sub-level- no matter which side you choose.


the prisoners escaping to the surface quest is tricky. If you did not already encounter the criminals when exiting the crashed shuttles, you'll never find them.


But you can go back to Lt. Grenn and tell him you killed them anyways. It's a lie, but I don't think it gets you any dark side points.

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I want to know why the hell the Czerka shuttle gets shot down as well as the Ithorian one. I don't know what the hell triggers it but you just wander into the Czerka offices and the mercs start attacking, then they attack you on the surface - WTF. Oh and what does the broken HK droid have to do with anything (the one that is is the facility!) You reactivate it then he just blows up 10 secs later!

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It would be really nice if they reactivated those things. Nothing pisses me off more that the "This door is magnetically sealed and cannot be opened" crap and not being able to do anything to trigger it's activation. I spent an extra !/2 hour wandering around that stupid base trying to figure out a way to open it, only to find out now that it's a deactivated quest!?! ;) Reactivate the dang quests and "true" ending, the heck with George "I'm a control freak" Lucas. Let the game be playd the way it was designed! It's a big universe and in two games we've only covered about 10 worlds, one of which (Taris) was turned into a slag heap. I thought with the whole Telos restoration thing, that you might be able to go to Taris again, and hook up with the people your PC located the "Promised Land" for. It was deep under ground, so it probably survived the destruction of Taris' surface.

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It would be really nice if they reactivated those things.  Nothing pisses me off more that the "This door is magnetically sealed and cannot be opened" crap and not being able to do anything to trigger it's activation.


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speaking of. There's 2 doors in that place that can't be opened correct?


Or did I screw up?


there's one on the east side which is for the sublevel, but there's also a door on the west side that is magnetically sealed.

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