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ok i just got major influence with visas and not as much with handmaiden... on my first planet.... is that it??? no more influence with handmaiden for the rest of the game??? or is there a way to get it back?? cuz i really wanted to turn her into a DS guardian


Did she yell at you about trusting Visas too much? If so, you're screwed.


You have to balance them out, like do two of Handmaiden's sparring matches ( >_< ), sparkled with a couple of influence gains w/ Visas. Just talk to them the same amount, and you'll be fine. It worked my first play through, LS, but on my second, I talked to Visas more at first to get her DS Mastery... :geek:

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

ok i just got major influence with visas and not as much with handmaiden... on my first planet.... is that it??? no more influence with handmaiden for the rest of the game??? or is there a way to get it back?? cuz i really wanted to turn her into a DS guardian


Yeah, the Handmaiden is quite a case.


The pretentious schutta:


* stole my ship in the first place

* is a servant of my enemy (as Kreia is keen to point out)

* hitched a ride on my ship (and I can't even dump her off)


And the best part is, if I so much as look at Visas twice, she has the nerve to accuse me of not trusting her (albeit with a little help from Kreia).


She looks, however, much better in her black costume. :cool:

ok i just got major influence with visas and not as much with handmaiden... on my first planet.... is that it??? no more influence with handmaiden for the rest of the game??? or is there a way to get it back?? cuz i really wanted to turn her into a DS guardian


Yeah, the Handmaiden is quite a case.


The pretentious schutta:


* stole my ship in the first place

* is a servant of my enemy (as Kreia is keen to point out)

* hitched a ride on my ship (and I can't even dump her off)


And the best part is, if I so much as look at Visas twice, she has the nerve to accuse me of not trusting her (albeit with a little help from Kreia).


She looks, however, much better in her black costume. :cool:


It trickers if you are DS and you says she is a spy for Atris when she first join you, and its very annoying had same problem with my first DS character.

ok i just got major influence with visas and not as much with handmaiden... on my first planet.... is that it??? no more influence with handmaiden for the rest of the game??? or is there a way to get it back?? cuz i really wanted to turn her into a DS guardian


It trickers if you are DS and you says she is a spy for Atris when she first join you, and its very annoying had same problem with my first DS character.


You don't have to be DS, my PC was shining in light. Besides what are you supposed to believe of her other that she is a spy for Atris (especially after all the comments she and the other handmaidens tell you in Telos).


For me Handmaiden is the easiest to convert to Jedi. I made her a Dark Jedi in my first game. And now I made her a light one in my second. I also converted to light side Visas, very easyly.


I made Atton a Jedi too. My only problem is Mira. Cannot do anything with her. Neither in my first game as DS nor in my second as LS.

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