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One big annoyance (that, perplexingly is also present in the NwN parent engine) is the role of the Charisma attribute.


Now call me old school if you will, but Charisma used to have a direct effect on the PC physical appearance (comeliness, as it was in AD&D).


I would like to think that if I have a charisma of 42 that I am not a victim of the ugly stick, and I look better than someone who has a charisma of 8.


Oh, and it would be a good idea to cap the bonuses that can be added to a characters attributes, so that it is not possible for a weakling with innate strength of 12 to wear some armour and stuff and end up with strength of 48. That's just silly. (Same with adding 1 to BAB every level.) The NwN caps bonuses at +12 (including negatives etc), which seems more sensible.






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You dont have ot be good looking to be charismatic but it helps.


As for the bonuses - yes i think the way bonuses from items should be modified but instead of a cap or a simple additive bonus it should be a multiple of your modifier for the attribute in question. This way there would be a reason to boost some attributes over others (depending on desired build).

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In the next game I would also very much prefer it if the developers pick your name. Yes, I really don't like it to be called Exile, Jedi, Offworlder or anything crap like that. In the first game at a certain point you were called Revan which is good.

Master Vandar lives!

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Please feel free to contribute all of your ideas in the ongoing discussion. I know that there is a lot of interest in this topic and keeping the input centralised will be more effective than several threads that repeat the ongoing discussion.

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your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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