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CLASS: SENTINEL (OH MY GOSH) I wanted to make a Guardian/Watchman because I had a fantastic Scoundrel/Guardian character in Kotor that used force jump for sneak attacks (good times).


BUT, I have since learned (from knowledgeable posters here) that Skills are VERY important in TSL and open up a lot of item/story options. This leaves me no choice but to go Sentinel (surprising because it is the only class I did not play in Kotor, and I played a lot of combinations).


Even more surprising is the stat focus that has been suggested. In Kotor my focus was high strength, wis, and good cha. I am making the following:


STR 12

DEX 10

CON 14 (going to add points to make this 18 for implants)

INT 16 (who would have thought, I never had over a 10 in Kotor)

WIS 12

CHA 12


Note: I hope there are lots of STR/WIS items in this game, or I am in deep bantha poo doo.


PRESTIGE CLASS? NO CLUE I thought to go with a Watchman because, again, I loved sneak attack damage and because I will have so many skills. But really, without Force Jump, I am losing my desire to go this way. What are some strong combinations that go well with Sentinel?


Finally, I had thought to play a Consular/Weapons Master because I love using force powers and being a master of lightsaber combat. But again, the skills issue rears its ugly head. Sigh, I cannot believe I am making a Sentinel :thumbsup: I fear the Sentinel/X will not have the saber/force abilities that I have built my characters for in the past.


Comments, Suggestions, Rants appreciated.


Strong combination? Um... just play the game and you'll be a badass. My LS Guardian/Weaponmaster, focused on dex, had over 400 force points by the end (more than she had HP) and could spam force lightning all day long. Whee.


Force jump doesn't come into play until around level 13 or so, because it can't be used without a lightsaber. However, only guardians and weaponmasters/marauders have access to lightsaber specialization, greater weapon focus (3 feats) and greater two weapon fighting.


Usually when there's a dialogue option opened by skills, there are other dialogue options opened up by other abilities/skills as well and you can't choose all of them. You don't need to play sentinel if you're doing so grudgingly: you can get awareness, persuade, and treat injury with a 14-int guardian, after all.


Computer use is good, and there's a wider variety of options for it but not as many "zap the room" options as last time. It comes up in dialogue a fair amount.


If you really want a character build for sentinel, I'd suggest:

10 strength (items do massive damage anyway)

14 dex (finesse, finesse, and Defense is important since you'll probably want to go armorless if you want to use all your powers)

12 con (implants aren't that great unless you get the apparently randomized high-level 18-con required one)

14 int (really, you don't need *every* skill)

14 wis

14 cha


Balance... in all things. Or just go with a consular/weaponmaster, like you want. You won't be able to get all the dialogue ever in one playthrough even if you have a crazy skill-high character, so just accept it. :)

I am following my fish.


A temporary home for stranded ML'ers


Pretty much what Aurora said. I went with a Sentinel/Watchman at:


10 STR

14 DEX

12 CON

14 INT

14 WIS

14 CHA


I think. Something like that, anyway. You get pretty much your pick of any skill, and once you Finesse lightsabers, you are in a fine position. Shove in as many wisdom and dexterity mods as possible, and you can stasis field everyone with a guarantee of at least 80% success against all enemies, followed by master flurries (with a sneak attack bonus, of course) to take everyone down before it wears off.


Plenty of skills, and a veritable walking death machine to boot.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!


You can also fake cross-classing in the game as well. I went the Sith Assassin/Sith Lord route.


I had a 23 intel by the end of the game, 15 Wisdom. My official class was Sith Lord, but I had the skills of an assassin. Plus Force Crush.


I'm fairly sure you could do the same thing with a Marauder and an Assassin.


consular weapon master...


no one will like my stats...playable only by someone who's already played thru at least once...


str 16

dex 8

con 16

int 16

wis 8

cha 8


18 con and int...(implants and high skills)


8 points into str.


first 3 feats as consular...security, stealth, and computers into class skills...


at high enough levels, i can get 30 points into every skill...including demolitions which becomes a class skill when i convert into weapon master.


i rely on items to boost wis, dex, cha to acceptable stats for specific purposes...


by making jedi force armor with powerful underlays and overlays, i don't care about defense...


the most powerful energy over lay and underlay will give you 60% immunity to energy, which totally beats the most powerful defense stats...especially at difficult level.



Pretty much what Aurora said.  I went with a Sentinel/Watchman at:


10 STR

14 DEX

12 CON

14 INT

14 WIS

14 CHA


I think.  Something like that, anyway. You get pretty much your pick of any skill, and once you Finesse lightsabers, you are in a fine position.  Shove in as many wisdom and dexterity mods as possible, and you can stasis field everyone with a guarantee of at least 80% success against all enemies, followed by master flurries (with a sneak attack bonus, of course) to take everyone down before it wears off.


Plenty of skills, and a veritable walking death machine to boot.

check out a sentinel at 15 int.,12 dex,15 strengh,12 con.,12 wisdom,12 charisma.advance to weaponmaster and have fun!samething for darkside. :devil: comments?

You can play through with most combinations and make it through KotOR2. Not a hard game, by any means. I just went for the jack-of-all-trades Sentinel/Watchman, who relies on the Force to sustain herself.


STR 10, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 12.

She essentially buffs herself via Master Speed, Valor and Defense, uses Battle Meditation and relies on Force Immunity against other Force Wielders. AC46 without stims is okay in my books, and she works well in a party. Not 'uber', but good enough to hold her own solo or not.

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