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Sentinel/Watchman good at Dual Sabers?

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My first playthrough I was a sentinel/watchman. I invested in the two weapon fighting attribute, and my character was pretty wicked . One lightsaber did 30-60pts damage while the other was anywhere between 25-40.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Thats one of the worse aspects of the game, everyone is good at dual wielding, while guardians are best, everyone is able to wield it without consequence

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Thats one of the worse aspects of the game, everyone is good at dual wielding, while guardians are best, everyone is able to wield it without consequence

that's true. but the sentinel/watchman for me was the most fun LS to play for the fact that you get all those skills and can still do a ton of damage dual-wielding. plus the sneak attack at the very end of the game is a lot of fun.
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When i first played Kotor I, i tried Dual Sabers and the Staff thingy, but it just made my character too powerful......WAY too powerful, so i just stick to a single saber for the fun of it.


Perhaps i just had to get used to it, since i play Jedi Academy Online and everyone nags about *fair play* which is dumb, since when you are facing a Dark Jedi or Jedi Knight (depending which side you are on) would you ask them to use a single saber because you are? come on. lol


Anyway, I never use dual sabers or saber staff, if a party member is set up for using dual pistols or dual sabers or saber staff from the start of when i get them, i let them use them as best they can, but my main character is always single pistol, sword or saber. (bonus to attack and defence with dueling feat.....if they haven't changed it in Kotor II)


But, everyone has their own preferred way of playing, i just stated mine.


But as other people have stated, all the classes are good at two handed fighting, they just need the feats for it to be effective. (accuracy wise)

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I also like to use 1 sabre as i like to stay true to the OT. I will only use duel or double sabres when i play a guardian.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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