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And what is it exactly?

Mind trick? It's one of the force powers, you access it in combat mode, it distracts the opponent. Confusion (the next level of that power) makes the opponent fight for you.

Dominate Mind, on the other hand, gives you stronger force persuasion in dialogues.

Are you talking about the Prima disc by chance?  If not then disreguard this post.



Yes that's exactly what I was talking about!!!


Its easy. Go to the character menu. You will see a picture of HK-47. Highlight that picture and press down. A phrase will pop up. Every letter in that phrase represent a letter in left, right, up and down. Go to the Jedi Mind trick menu and put in the code. That is how I fiqured it out. I don't remember the phrase or the code, but I hope this helps.

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