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Handmaiden as Jedi

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Okay, I have the handmaiden wearing Jedi Robes. She has taught me all she says she has to teach me. She says she wants to learn to be a jedi. Or learn to use the force, I forget which. But she hasn't yet switched classes. How do I get this final step. Atton just switched right away and became a Jedi during the conversation.


I have done a number of searches on this topic, but have not yet found an answer to this question

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I had this happen to me once as well.


I think what happened is (this was my case anyways) you agreed to train her when the time is right.


So in choosing this you have agreed to respect her oath to Atris, hense she will follow you but you will not train her in Jedi ways until Atris is no longer in the picture (Which means not during this game as from the Atris final meeting on is specific encounters you do not control).


You will notice that after the meeting you never got the betreyal cut screen that you do when Handmaiden is truely turned to study as a jedi.


As different poster stated, use a older saved game file and then be more careful on the conversation choices you make when getting Handmaiden to break her oath and study the jedi trainings :)

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Did it. Thanks for the advice everyone. In case anyone else has this problem, I shall summarize the steps

First you fight the handmaiden three times. Last one culminating in the fight you can use the shields.

Then the exile gets dressed.

Then the exile tells Handmaiden to get dressed and she puts on the jedi robes. And the exile talks to handmaiden about her mother.

(If you seek to train her at this point, she will agree to, but doesn't make the switch)

So instead of offering to train, the exile should go talk to Kreia, who says dont train Handmaiden. (I said no problem, I wont do it) Then you say you are going to leave and Kreia tells you no really, do not train the handmaiden.

Then go back and try to fight the handmaiden, she says nothing more to teach. Exile then offers to teach. Now there are different conversation choices and the "Betrayal" cut scene kicks in.


Clearly Atris thinks handmaiden betrayed her. But does Kreia think I betrayed her? I guess time will tell. Will I regret training the handmaiden?

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heh, its a interesting side story really.


Handmaiden is oath sworn to NOT train in the ways of the Jedi.


So really if you agree to train here in the force but not by the jedi code she has not broken her oath.


If you agree to train her as a sith, she has not broken her oath (but why would you care if your DS)


so she only breaks the code if you train her as a jedi.


I was kinda disappointed in this one, I expected a Dark Side hit if you agreed to train her as a jedi (as you are knowingly convincing her to break her oath) but that didnt happen.


The other string is also interesting where you refuse to train her, this is where what Kreia tells you comes into play were its no longer your choice and the handmaiden basically forces (convinces) you to train her.


Of all the strings you can follow there I liked the last one the most :)


BTW, Kreia doesnt hate you for training her, Kreia understands that your force bonding is at work here and you really have no choice in the matter.

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