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Influence - not working??

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Has anybody lost the ability to influence people? After about half the game (and a couple of crashes) it seemed that no matter what I did I could not get any more influence on people. I even followed the influence guide in this forum but nothing happened (no message about gaining... no change in conversations). So after about half a game I got the same conversations over and over again...

I also got all my jedis to light mastery and no matter what evil deeds I did the would not turn evil...


The end result is that I couldn't learn anything from my party members...

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You need to pick and choose the spots for each character once you have developed as far as you can through conversations.


Many of the situations make sence (IE: Atmosphereic thingies on dant for Bao or Mandalorian content for Bao/Handmaiden on Dunx). Others dont make as much sence but there is influence to be gained.


You can either read the spoilers in the spoiler section that detail who and where or just try different combinations for those NPC encounters (I personally went through each character as spoilers take the fun outta things) you feel should be giveing influence.


Its just a matter of getting the right character in the right situation:)


Ignore the negative nanny, if you havent opened up all the conversation lines you are missing some really well done and interesting dialog and stories :thumbsup:


Its definately worth the effort to open all the conversation lines! :)


Hope that helps!

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Thanks for the replies. I actually went through each character in different situations... and nothing. After more than a few hours of redoing parts of the game I looked up the influence thread (the one in the spoilers forum) and followed the instructions there, but still no luck.


It was a shame because I feel I missed a huge chunck of the story... After finishing the game I started a new one (being DS) but I quit after and hour... I just couldn't deal with doing everything again in the hope that I would learn more...


I'll wait a few weeks before retrying again.

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Thanks for the replies. I actually went through each character in different situations... and nothing. After more than a few hours of redoing parts of the game I looked up the influence thread (the one in the spoilers forum) and followed the instructions there, but still no luck.


It was a shame because I feel I missed a huge chunck of the story... After finishing the game I started a new one (being DS) but I quit after and hour... I just couldn't deal with doing everything again in the hope that I would learn more...


I'll wait a few weeks before retrying again.


heh aye i found peragus station to be like pulling teeth when redoing the game, soon after peragus tho it started to get interesting again.


For your next play through heres a tip. After leaving Telos academy, spend a good amount of time just talking to the present Party characters. Save after each influence gain and then explore the communication lines some more!


Then land, leave ship, reboard ship so you get visas fast as well.


Most of the things I missed my first time through were caused by me not spending enough time exploring the conversation options and paying attention to the effects.

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It sounds like you've hit some sort of glitch Ricc. I'm having the same problem too only because I merely did not happen take the right NPCs with me at the key times I needed them around to gain influence. And on Nar Shadda, there are several places where you can gain influence w/ multiple characters, and if you have two in your party that should react, only one of them will. I later found out that I lost many opportunities to gain influence w/ Atton just because the other NPC I was with spoke up first. :)


I really enjoyed talking to the NPCs in KOTOR1 so I was disappointed to find out, after 30 hours of playing (I tried not to look for spoilers too soon), that I missed a lot of dialogue just because I chose my NPC combinations poorly. I feel like my game is not at its full potential...! *sigh*


Is it really worth playing through again to hear more of the NPC dialogue? (spoiler:

do they really make effective force-users after level 20


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Has anybody lost the ability to influence people? After about half the game (and a couple of crashes) it seemed that no matter what I did I could not get any more influence on people. I even followed the influence guide in this forum but nothing happened (no message about gaining... no change in conversations). So after about half a game I got the same conversations over and over again...

I also got all my jedis to light mastery and no matter what evil deeds I did the would not turn evil...


The end result is that I couldn't learn anything from my party members...


You need to have certain people in certain situations. You should search all the dialogue options. You can easily make Handmaiden a Jedi just by speaking with her (and deuling). The same can be said for Visas, Kreia, T3, and Atton. The majority of the influence I've gained were from dialogue choices so try talking to them again.

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I made Handmaiden, Atton and Mira Jedis. That was not a problem. But after the third planet the dialogs didn't change anymore. Bao Dur stopped talking to me altogether (I was LS mastery). Stuff kepts happening but they wouldn't react to anything, and also no more influence gained or lost messages. For the time being I decided not to play it anymore... the game feels rushed with many bugs (I documented them in another tread).


Thanks for everyone's responses. I need to redo the game if I want to try other conversations choices.

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