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Master Fury different in KOTOR2

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Did anyone happen to notice that "Fury" is different in Kotor 2, than kotor 1? It seems like the first one was way more powerful compared to the second one. Is there something wrong with my game, or is it supposed to be like this? The styles are completely different.

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Did anyone happen to notice that "Fury" is different in Kotor 2, than kotor 1?  It seems like the first one was way more powerful compared to the second one.  Is there something wrong with my game, or is it supposed to be like this?  The styles are completely different.


I don't recall a fury feat or power being in KoTOR 1. Perhaps you are thinking of flurry?


The game mechanics, I think, are a little different, although I can't pinpoint what exactly; I don't know enough about d20 games. I have also noticed that I miss more frequently, although that maybe because of my lightsaber construction.

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Did anyone happen to notice that "Fury" is different in Kotor 2, than kotor 1?  It seems like the first one was way more powerful compared to the second one.  Is there something wrong with my game, or is it supposed to be like this?  The styles are completely different.


If your referring to the combat move "Flurry", then the answer is simple. In KotOR2: The Sith Lords as you go up levels in skill your combat animations become different to show how you are progressing.


And if you actually meant to say "Fury", then i think you will find yourself slightly mistaken as there wasnt a force power / feat in KotOR1: The Prodigal Knight named "Fury"

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