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I just had the greatest moment in KOTOR2 so far. I had pretty high influence with Atton, and just now on Nar Shadda he confessed his past to me.


I've now convinced Atton to become a Jedi, and since I'm playing DS, he just took his first steps down the Dark path! I feel like a proud mother.


Muahahahaha. :lol:

Proud purveyor, owner and operator of the Wonder Twins


I personally have way more fun playing DS. For years, I RP'd online for Star Wars, and always had more fun when my character was Dark.


Plus this way, my fiance can see what happens in the game while I play DS, and I can see what happens when he plays LS.

Proud purveyor, owner and operator of the Wonder Twins


I gained max influence with Atton yet I can't seem to turn him into a Jedi. I'm playing as DS character and I gained enough influence with Atton that he, too, is maxed out in DS.


How do you turn him into a Jedi? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Yes, it happens on Nar Shadda. I just started talking to him, and since I have full influence over him, he basically confessed to what his secret was. And then I convinced him to become a Jedi. Muahahahaha.

Proud purveyor, owner and operator of the Wonder Twins


I felt rather the same with the Handmaiden, in a second she was in my grasp, overcoming even my own DS meter. She was maxed out while I was a bit away from maxing out.


I've always preferred the DS in KOTOR games, the Light is ok but I personally enjoy DS a lot more.


DS to me is way more fun. I got giddy when I recieved my first DS point and that music played. I was jumping around when I convinced Atton to go Dark. Mwah.


I'm considering playing DS Male the second time around just so I can corrupt Handmaiden.

Proud purveyor, owner and operator of the Wonder Twins

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